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This is so amazing!

Exactly 36 years ago, I was 7 years old and I remember going into an electronics shop that caught my eye.

I was literally always interested in electronics. I finally summoned up the courage and went in. The inside this shop that to me looked like a candy shop, was very friendly man. I ended up convincing my parents to buy me my first electronics kit from him, an audio amp.

I soldered the kit, placed it in a fancy metal box, together with heavy transformer, making the thing pretty beefy, all of which was purchased from him. I remember bringing it to the shop to show it off. He was very happy with my work.

My parents ended up buying more and more kits, and I remember very clearly just randomly coming into the shop when I would pass by for many years later. He was always himself, friendly, helpful, busy helping someone or repairing something, smoking, always smoking.

Not too long ago I passed there again and remember seeing the shop has closed. It was a sad moment.

David, believe it or not is literally the guy who is the repairman mentioned in the story must be at the very least 70 by now. I ended up spending half an hour reading some of the stuff he wrote in the guide, just for the sake of some glimpse of good old times.

I hope he still lives! I'm sure there are many other kids and teens he positively touched.

Great memories, never to be forgotten.

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