Awesome story. Expect to see state and federal legislators get lobbied to make non-humans reading these published documents illegal (big sad face, the insurance guys have no imagination) but you are doing your customers a great service, and that is what its all about.
What ever you do, don't say "Well if someone offered to buy us for $2B we'd just sell and shut down the site."
Actually, this is an excellent point - get a head start and see how you can get involved with legislators/regulators to pitch yourself as a neutral 3rd party that is essentially checking if insurers are playing by their own rules. This way, you are also becoming a sort of audit tool that legislators never had an easy access to.
Nice angle. Any way to hold them responsible when Leaky's quote does not match the insurer's quote? Force them to make the price 100% reproducible from public documents given the same information on the consumer.
What ever you do, don't say "Well if someone offered to buy us for $2B we'd just sell and shut down the site."