Off-topic, but that site was pretty much unreadable to me for a minute or so. At the top of the page, in a fixed-position div, there was a share button with an incrementing counter of shares.
My eye was constantly drawn to the ever-incrementing counter, but because it was fixed, I couldn't scroll past it. Bad UX.
It's particularly annoying that the counter re-runs from zero just by refreshing the page -- and yet shows the same final count each time. Is it even actually dynamic, does the counter increment in real time if there's a new share while you're on the page?
I think it actually is a live counter. I fired up HTTPFox and the page keeps sending requests to a URL containing "" - it appears to be intermittently polling for a new count, but I didn't notice it actually increment when I read the site the first time, and I'm not interested in monitoring it now to be sure.
My eye was constantly drawn to the ever-incrementing counter, but because it was fixed, I couldn't scroll past it. Bad UX.