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I always felt more connected to my coworkers when we are regularly working from home. The office is such a false environment people just act very differently.

The office is the real environment. When working from home, people are more isolated and heavily restricted by silos and tracking systems. That’s the false environment. Compare talking to a friend in person to texting them from miles away.

That’s far from my experience. It sounds like you’re dealing with a horrible job / company here.

> I always felt more connected to my coworkers when we are regularly working from home. The office is such a false environment people just act very differently.

Jokes on you, I don't care if my coworkers get hit by a bus either way! I cannot stand anyone I work with. Every meeting that should be 15 is now an hour minimum why? People want to chat and I sit there with my soul leaving my body totally unable to do anything but smile fake and try not to look like I'm dead.

As hard as it may be to hear, to some extent that is likely a “you” problem. Start a culture of not having to have the camera on, figure out good reasons to have to exit such wasteful calls, etc. Continuing the same thing and whining about it melodramatically is unlikely to be fruitful

> As hard as it may be to hear, to some extent that is likely a “you” problem. Start a culture of not having to have the camera on, figure out good reasons to have to exit such wasteful calls, etc. Continuing the same thing and whining about it melodramatically is unlikely to be fruitful

I wasn't being melodramatic.

It is a me problem. Everyone else seems to love this random assortment of asinine "culture" and "team" concepts. I've worked at my share of places and it's always the same. "Standup is like 15 minutes." and it is. but then you have the 45 minutes leading up to it where they talk about what they did the night before or what their kids are doing or what life is like with their pet they've had for a decade. Everyone else seems to care and care deeply. I do not. At all. I just wastes my time.

We just assume the guys who have that zone out and work on things, we ping them when they need to be active. Easier to do with cameras off.

One day hopefully I'll manage to find one of these magic unicorn positions that y'all seem to have around these parts. Until then I'll have to do with wanting to die rather than be at work.

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