Having just count=0 is stupid and you will learn it the same way as Svelte did. Comparing it like that when they explain all the issues in Svelte 5 is even more dishonest. Any variable can be state and/or be reactive and they arent marked? GL with that. You need to manually call update after fetching data, why?
> Having just count=0 is stupid and you will learn it the same way as Svelte did.
I obviously disagree. This is not only compact, but also standards- based. It's an ES6 variable. I don't expect Nue to change here, like ever. Svelte internals are quite different.
I think you are insane for this take. It should be very clear from a cursory glance what is reactive and what is not if you want your code to not become spaghetti rapidly.
Signals w/ getter/setter are incredibly nice for this.
Insane is cool. Nue is a heavy promoter of the separation of concerns pattern — which is the most effective way to avoid mixing different kinds spaghetti ingredients together. These small, extra $- characters are minor factors.
I love your attitude. This library is not for me right now but I appreciate the pioneering. React also got a lot of hate in the beginning ("re-render on every change is insane"), people forget. Good luck!
I'm not sure I'm convinced. If I open a random file in a project and see `count=0`, how do I know if it's a global variable used by legacy code, a reactive variable, or something else entirely?
This explanation can be used for any library though, consider that you know how the internals work, then it's rather obvious. If you don't know Nue and stumble on this it's just another flavor of unknown black box. Sure, the syntax might be nice for you, just like Awk and Vim are nice for some people, but it doesn't mean other people have a chance of understanding what's going on without looking up the documentation.
Speaking of which, how do you interface with global variables in that case? Say I want to instantiate a global variable when the component is created, how do I do that?
The core difference is that in that case what's happening is clear from the code, functional components start off with a function declaration whereas class components start off with a class declaration. This isn't true for Nue, you have to have read the docs to understand anything that's going on, otherwise you have no clue. In general though, while I understand it's your project and you have strong emotions towards it, looking through the rest of the comments it doesn't shine a good light on the project if you argue tooth and nail against any and every criticism. Many of the criticisms are perfectly valid, a lot of these things have been tried before and there's reasons why there were abandoned.
Hmmm.... I think that's because to use one of the React hooks you need to import them from React. If you create your own hook it'll eventually use something like "useState" internally, which leads you to "import { useState } from 'react'".
Functional components on their own are not distinguishable from a good old Javascript function. I guess the presence of JSX and/or hooks give it away. I'd say it's half true that glancing at a random .js file it might not be immediately obvious if it's React or a function, but with some digging you should be able to find out by following the imports.
It's absolutely not an ES6 variable. count=0 may be valid ES6 but in a NueJS setup it's not parsed by the JS interpreter: it's preprocessed. What actually gets served and parsed by the browser is an entirely different piece of code & that makes it inherently changeable in future releases.
Also, while count=0 is technically valid ES6, most of the larger examples on the page are not; this is a DSL like any other, with all the drawbacks that brings. Masquerading as ES6 syntax won't fix that.
It is _absolutely_ an ES6 variable. Nue transpiler takes the code between the script tags and creates a true ES6 class instance from it. The larger examples are no different from the count=0 in here.
The argument being made here is that the pre-compiled code is not ES6. Of course the compiled code is - I can't see how that's relevant, that's the same for every JS FE DSL.
The code inside the script tags is ES6, the pre-processor does not "masquerade" it as the parent commenter says. It's taken as is. Also not sure what in this discussion is relevant.
> The code inside the script tags is ES6, the pre-processor does not "masquerade" it as the parent commenter says. It's taken as is.
This is flatly untrue - multiple commenters have outlined why this is untrue above.
> Also not sure what in this discussion is relevant.
It's relevant because the original comment is advocating for Nue.js on the basis that the DSL is standards-based, which is untrue. Designing something that looks like a standard without actually adhering to that standard does not equate to being standards based, nor does it benefit from any of the advantages of a standards-based approach.
fwiw, while my use of the word "untrue" above seems strong, I want to state clearly that I don't believe you're deliberately trying to mislead anyone here. Your intent seems benign, but I would just suggest learning a little bit more about the approachs of various frameworks, templating systems & DSLs over the years.
for my surprise, count=0 is indeed ES6. I thought const, let or var were mandatory but it seems to not be the case.
On Nue.js case tho the count=0 is misleading as it is a class variable that can get a setter and getter but in Nue.js code it is a normal variable that can't have a getter/setter. So the code doesn't really do what it is supposedly doing.
a Nue "count = 0;" isn't the same as a ES6 "count = 0;". It needs compilation. I think trying to convince developers of the opposite won't help much grow a community.
When a Nue component is compiled it creates a native ES6 class directly from the contents of the inner script tag. The ES6 code is not traversed at all, let alone altered. That is: count = 0 is a native ES6 class instance variable.
The update() method is there because Nue does not make a difference between reactive variables and other variables and it's impossible to know if a state changed when there is no specific DOM event or array manipulation call.
I think its kinda great its on the front page, I only work in backend so this looks quite appealing like ALL tech demos do. Love to see it pulled apart in comments with explanations I understand haha
Having just count=0 is stupid and you will learn it the same way as Svelte did. Comparing it like that when they explain all the issues in Svelte 5 is even more dishonest. Any variable can be state and/or be reactive and they arent marked? GL with that. You need to manually call update after fetching data, why?