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Ahh, BeOS. I used it has a daily driver for about 6 months. It was fairly nice, but my job moved from Mainframe/VMS/Minicomputer work more towards Web related work (it was along time ago for the kids reading along) and I had to put away my toy and start learning more on my Linux boxes when I wasn't working.

Spent a lot of time learning the kernel and support "kits" and porting some of my large baseball related code to it.

Could'a been a nice little operating system despite forcing me to learn C++ better.

is “baseball related code” moneyball kind of stuff?

At the time, I was interested in the physics behind pitches, how the eye works when watching the flight of the ball, and how that might be affected by pitch sequencing.

Lots of math with crude estimations for stuff. It's not Moneyball-related, just odd things I like to wonder.

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