There are unmoderated forums all over the Internet. You can download phpbb and create one in a matter of minutes. How unbelievably arrogant to assume that you can dictate the fate of nations based on moderating an Internet forum.
Nobody decides to go kill their neighbor because they read a post online. They were already going to do that or not long before they read anything.
You have completely missed a core part of the article here: that Facebook subsidized free access to their platform, which provided the only really accessible internet given the infrastructure and cost for the rest. You labeling someone’s opinion as “arrogance” when you gloss over this fact is incredibly poor form to boot.
Facebook actively leaned into engaging with the country here and went hands off at the slightest sign of trouble, and did not take it seriously enough when people legitimately tried to escalate to them.
Facebook gave people a place to talk to each other. What they say and what they do as a result is their own responsibility. Most people just share pictures of cats.
> Nobody decides to go kill their neighbor because they read a post online.
Yes, they absolutely do. Whatsapp had to restrict forwarding in India because entire villages were being forwarded rhetoric and standing up en-masse to massacre their neighbors.
You need to understand that there is a not insignificant proportion of the population that will literally do whatever the television (or a convincing written socmed post) tells them.
Nobody decides to go kill their neighbor because they read a post online. They were already going to do that or not long before they read anything.