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> Alchemy is wrong. Astrology is wrong.

I think you are partly right. Quantum mechanics and general relativity are incomplete rather than wrong. I don’t think either has been falsified, it’s more that they are just useless in specific cases.

This is in contrast with Newtonian mechanics, which implies Galilean transformation when changing reference frames, which looks right at our usual scales, but is plainly wrong in the general case.

However, the things you mention are not even wrong. As in, they are not falsifiable so you cannot say whether they are right or wrong in theory.

> I don’t think either has been falsified, it’s more that they are just useless in specific cases.

Of course they have. If you try to use SR or GR to predict how particles behave, you will get none of the quantum effects we have observed experimentally.

If you try to use QM or QFT to predict how the planets move* or at least how black holes move, you'll get predictions that don't agree with what telescopes have observed.

So yes, both of the theories have already been falsified.

* I have been told that there are some ways to account for gravity in regular QM in a way similar to GR that essentially work until you get to the kinds of strong fields near a black hole, where they break down again.

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