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Ignoring how Ticketmaster is complicit in all this... it makes me really sad for humanity that people choose a "job" that is 100% about exploiting people. And that's it entirely legal and "normal" for the most part.

A decade ago or so I went on a first date with a woman who was a professional scalper. Unfortunately I didn't have the balls to ask her about the ethics of what she does. (I expect it would have been something like, "if I don't do it, someone else will".) But it really grossed me out; I just can't respect someone who does something like that.

If it's only the worst .01% of humanity, you're talking about 80,000,000 people on the planet.

The Internet has a remarkable way of introducing you to the absolute dregs. It's like computer security: everything not 100% locked down perfectly will belong to someone else minutes later. And even a gigantic corporation with intense experience handling money cannot lock things down 100%.

Most of humanity is ok. But the parts that suck, suck so hard that on the whole I think it averages out to really bad.

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