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I don't understand why Kagi needs to be mass market. Why not just be the search engine for people willing to pay for better search? Does Ferrari feel the need to enter the economical midsize sedan market?

Advertising is a lot of work, and introduces a lot of tension into the business model. Spotify premium showed me "promoted content" last week (but they promise it's not an ad). They also accept payola for placement in discover weekly playlists, which means their features are useless to me. There's no reason to encourage Kagi to go down that route. They have a good business model that they and their customers are happy with.

My thinking with mass market is:

1) To make the business viable and profitable. I searched a bit more and saw a post where the founder said they do expect to be profitable with 50,000 users. That still seems a tight budget if people are paying $10/20 amounts. Also I believe Kagi use google results currently so there has to be a big risk google limit what they can do if they ever become a threat of a business or generally remain beholdent to their main competitors via access and pricing rather than have independent infrastructure.

2) I would love to see a real challenger to Google. A paid model will not likely be that.

I completely understand the responses and there is also value in staying ad free, but there is also value in doing ads a better way rather than all or nothing and hopefully not going down the supply slope type arguments by setting clear and transparent rules at the beginning so that tension doesn't exist or is limited.

> I would love to see a real challenger to Google. A paid model will not likely be that.

How could a challanger to Google use the same business model that Google has? That is certainly destined to have the same end game/degradation as Google has.

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