This is pretty cool. I tried Kagi once and liked it, but ran out of my monthly search allowance within a few days. Apparently I make 20x more searches than the average user... So even if I paid, I wouldn't have enough. And I don't like the idea that I'm paying for every web search. It'd add a weird friction that I think would inhibit my flow.
Admittedly $10 still seems kinda steep for something I get for free already. But maybe I should just try it out for a month and my mind might change.
> Admittedly $10 still seems kinda steep for something I get for free already.
And this is why surveillance capitalism is so effective.
If it helps, think about it in yearly terms. They offer a small discount for annual payments. Is $108 per year an amount you are really going to miss, for something that gives you daily (even hourly) value?
(I get that for many many many people in the world, $108 is a significant sum, even yearly, but I expect that most of us here are luck enough to not be in that boat.)
I read somewhere Google makes $350 per year off each user. Divided by 12 months that's a bit less than $30. In a way, you're paying $20 less than you would by using Google, while keeping your privacy etc. Seems great when you take into account the fact with Google you're the product.
Admittedly $10 still seems kinda steep for something I get for free already. But maybe I should just try it out for a month and my mind might change.