- it combines the top 10 this or that list into listicles that are aggregated into their own section and I find to often be full of spam
- it lets you block or deprioritize any site you want like quora, medium, Forbes, that often give me useless or incorrect info or are just their to boost so
- it lets you prioritize sites you like in the search ranking
- it doesn’t have blocked or censored keywords
- it lets you specify by date or time quickly and easily which I find to be beneficial and google seems to hide it constantly move around in news
It’s weaker for like looking up a phone number or hours for a local eatery, but in general I like it better.
- it combines the top 10 this or that list into listicles that are aggregated into their own section and I find to often be full of spam - it lets you block or deprioritize any site you want like quora, medium, Forbes, that often give me useless or incorrect info or are just their to boost so - it lets you prioritize sites you like in the search ranking - it doesn’t have blocked or censored keywords - it lets you specify by date or time quickly and easily which I find to be beneficial and google seems to hide it constantly move around in news
It’s weaker for like looking up a phone number or hours for a local eatery, but in general I like it better.