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This is going to get me to try Kagi.

I've thought about it several times, enough that I did track my searches for a week. Between work, hobbies, and just life I searched (overwhelmingly DDG and Bing) over a thousand times in a week. (A evening of prep for my tabletop RPG racked up over a hundred all by itself.)

I've bailed on Google - wading though the flood of SEO'd garbage just stopped being worth it. Bing and DDG have been mostly working, but I definitely feel like they're missing something. $10 a month is definitely worth it to try it out, and if it works for me, worth it to keep paying. I'd been hesitating because worrying about my search count seemed like a substantial negative for me.

> over a thousand times in a week

That's a lot!

I perform 500-900 searches a month.

I really enjoy Kagi's caching image search; it often lets me avoid visiting websites when I'm just looking for graphics. Going on Kagi and reading summaries and viewing cached material gives me the "I don't feel like going out" vibe, but on the Internet. One step closer to offline.

Be sure to look into the results customization options. You may not need them, but they can also make the engine feel so much more tuned to your needs.

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