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How much time do you waste wading through bad search results?

Would you pay $10/mo to fix that problem?

For me, the answer has been yes. I don't think that is true of everyone (but maybe some people can live in the free plan limits!)

I started with the free plan, made it my default search engine and then tried to measure how often I felt like I had "lost something" once my free tier was up. And yeah, having to go back to Google or DuckDuckGo felt like I lost a really good tool and was using a mediocre replacement.

> maybe some people can live in the free plan limits

When the free plan was 50 searches, that lasted me less than a day.

Now that the free plan is 300 searches, it'd last me a few days.

It was enough for me to get hooked.

Note that the free plan is still 100 searches per month. The $5/mo "Basic" plan now gives you 300 searches per month.


Free is 100 searches, not 100/month -- when you've used them up, they're gone.

Ah, I stand corrected

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