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I still think it's unthinkable.

"Consuming content" is fundamentally an act of communication. If there isn't another entity with intelligence and intent to communicate with, I'm not really interested.

Although the author gives themself an escape hatch with "augmented" because it seems extremely evident that almost everything will have some small level of "AI" input (arguably it already does... spellcheckers have been around for quite a while.)

I very much believe LMMs are a tremendously important technology with a dizzying array of applications... but generating "content" for human consumption is pretty much last on my list. I already can't read all the books or watch all the excellent movies made by humans!

The real flippening is coming where most people prefer the AI generated content and even AI interactions. You will also. You will learn to love Big Brother.

The main problem with this is that AI can totally subvert expectations, like in the movie “ex machina”. It can simulate as deep of a sincerity as you need and then turn around and screw you. Or may be screwing you the whole time, at scale.

The worst part about AI is swarming. When people discover how to have self-organizing swarms of AI agents, then chaos will erupt.

And the sad part about it is that corporations (a form of AI) can know 100% that will be outcome and still push each other in an arms race to do it in order to grab all that low hanging fruit along the way before their competitors do.

I remain open to the question of how one should best engage with general intelligences or superintelligences (should they ever become reality.)

I just meant to say I have no interest in "consuming content" from any generative AI that is less capable and creative than a human-equivalent AGI.

"Consuming content" is fundamentally an act of boredom and addiction to novel stimuli, in increasingly shorter and shorter forms.

Just as the current generation of youth have much shorter attention spans because of growing up with endless scrolling feeds of bullshit, the next generation will consume AI-generated drivel for no reason other than it's novel.

I was being charitable and interpreting it as referring to any type of media usage.

Agreed that the race to the bottom of low-quality stimulus content is a (probably separate) problem, since that trend was well underway long before generative AI.

> Although the author gives themself an escape hatch with "augmented" because it seems extremely evident that almost everything will have some small level of "AI" input (arguably it already does... spellcheckers have been around for quite a while.)

(author here) i guess it could be viewed as an escape hatch, but fwiw I was just directly thinking about the HN Recap podcast, the inciting reason for having this interview in the first place - HN Recap draws its source material from the human writers and commenters on this site, and curation from the voters, but otherwise every word is AI generated. I would consider this a step above autocomplete and spellcheck and that passes my "it's an AI podcast" bar - particularly because there exist prior HN recap podcasts done by humans that did a worse and less consistent job.

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