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I can’t speak for the OP, but this makes it much easier to write code that uses threads that wait on IO, and just let the underlying system (VM + JDBC connectors, for example) handle the dirty work.

A few years ago, I wrote a load generation application using Kotlin’s coroutines - in this case, each coroutine would be a “device”. And I could add interesting modeling on each device; I easily ran 250k simulated devices within a single process, and it took me a couple of days. But coroutines are not totally simple; any method that might call IO needs to be made “coroutine aware”. So the abstraction kinda leaks all over the place.

Now, you can do the same thing in Java. Just simply model each device as its own Runnable and poof, you can spin up a million of them. And there isn’t much existing code that has to be rewritten. Pretty slick.

So this isn’t really a “high performance computing” feature, but a “blue collar coder” thing.

It's worth mentioning that there are some aspects of the virtual thread implementation that is important to take into consideration before switching out the os-thread-per-task executor for the virtual-thread-per-task executor:

1. Use of synchronized keyword can pin the virtual thread to the carrier thread, resulting in the carrier thread being blocked and unable to drive any other virtual threads. Recommendation is to refactor to use ReentrantLock. This may be solved in the future though.

2. Use of ThreadLocals should be reduced/avoided since they're local to the virtual thread and not the carrier threads, which could result in balooning memory usage with extensive usage from many virtual threads.

Regarding the second point: there are now alternatives to ThreadLocals available that are intended to be used by virtual threads: Scoped Values. Unfortunately, they are preview-only in JDK 21.

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