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> Someday I'll see an exception to that rule of thumb, so far no luck.

I used to think so too, then I found a use case. TBF, there exists an alternative that doesn't use recursion, but you wouldn't like that either, because it'd require a stored procedure / SQL UDF.

Requirement: Split a large sequential key-space (of a SERIAL PK) into the smallest number of non-overlapping, exhaustive key ranges where no range contains more than N keys. Extracting a range is very fast, so communicating with the app layer for coordination between two successive ranges would introduce too much latency overhead. But the DB also has a small timeout (order of minutes) on how long any statement may execute.

Breaking it down: we need iteration to start extracting the next key range after we've extracted one key range. But this iterative process cannot synchronise with app layer at the end/beginning of each iteration.

Solution: Synchronise with app layer / transaction manager every M iterations. If M is too large for statement timeout, reduce M and try again.

This can be done by either procedural code or by iteration via recursion in a single pass over the data. There exist alternative methods that can do this, but require multiple passes. In fact, the first attempted solution used one of those alternatives: bucket based partitioning.

But runtime performance objectives demanded the lowest latency, and the redundancy of extra passes could not be optimised away by PG 12. The single pass iteration-via-recursion method was twice as fast, and the recursion skeleton code was simple enough — equivalent to a recursive function with one tail call and an accumulator — so it was shipped.

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