I'm a Junior Computer Science and Visual Design student at one of the top-20 Universities in the US.
"I want to... go to college and meet like minded folks"
--> It has taken me three years to connect with a handful of students that share my interests. On the other hand, at one Startup Weekend I made just as many, arguably higher-quality, connections. Therefore, I would argue an event like Startup Weekend is a much better use of time and money than college.
"I want focus, and stop trying to solve everything and finishing nothing"
--> I find that most course projects are turned in incomplete at the end of the term, and there is rarely motivation to continue working on an assignment after the course is over.
"I want to... go to college and meet like minded folks" --> It has taken me three years to connect with a handful of students that share my interests. On the other hand, at one Startup Weekend I made just as many, arguably higher-quality, connections. Therefore, I would argue an event like Startup Weekend is a much better use of time and money than college.
"I want focus, and stop trying to solve everything and finishing nothing" --> I find that most course projects are turned in incomplete at the end of the term, and there is rarely motivation to continue working on an assignment after the course is over.