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Johnny Cash Has Been Everywhere (Man) (johnnycashhasbeeneverywhere.com)
271 points by haunter on Sept 15, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 46 comments


Placenames were all originally in Australia, adapted for the north american market.

Also shout out to the Farrelly Brothers version https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aunty_Jack_Sings_Wollongong

As computer scientists, we really should assume he took the shortest path between the final set of destinations rather than travel between them sequentially.

Johnny Cash spent much of the 1950s and 1960s addicted to alcohol, barbiturates and amphetamines. Whilst we should assume he was probably familiar with contemporary work on finding shortest paths in weighted graphs, and almost certainly read the papers etc, it is likely that his addiction kept him from paying the proper attention that he would otherwise surely have done. Who knows how different the landscape of theoretical computer science might have been, had Cash spent more energy on algorithms and less on setting fires inside camper vans?

I'm not sure if he would have covered that kind of material during his time with the Cryptographic Intelligence Unit anyway.


One of the best trivia pieces I have is that he is likely the first American to know Stalin died while he was posted in Germany, decoding morse code traffic.

Also, tours depend on a lot more than travel. Venue availability, other major events impacting attendance, advertising and marketing.

Travel optimization isn't really a priority.

Yep. Seattle was an often missed point on the map for tours, until the punk/grunge evolved there. Then suddenly you couldn't stop people from driving that incredible distance from LA

Dijkstra's been everywhere, man.

I think the final picture adequately expresses Cash's response to your suggestion.

Was thinking the same thing - travelling salesman problem, no?

Traveling country musician :)

Assume, or optimize for.

It is delightful that people make things like this and I hope that we never reach a point where this type of things ceases to be possible.

Of this ilk Lemon Jelly released “Ramblin’ Man” a bloke reflecting on his past.

Going through a list of places he’s been to:


Of note, the first letters some way down spells out BAGPUSS SEES ALL THINGS

Which dates both it, and me.

I still sometimes sing "we will fix it!" in my head when I'm going to fix something <3

The Marvellous mechanical mouse organ seems to be a bit like how some start ups fake it until you make it.

If someone says they can make chocolate digestive biscuits from bread crumbs and butter beans don’t fall for it:


That was delightful. Reminds me of a Google Maps hack from back in the day that tracked Sir Mix-a-Lot’s trip through the Seattle area as documented in the song Posse on Broadway.

Is there a link to a version of this that's still live? Would love to check it out.


Johnny Cash Has Been Everywhere (Man) (2012) - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30830222 - March 2022 (54 comments)

There were a lot of places that didn't map--some that were transcribed correctly and exist as places in the US, and some that didn't map because they were transcribed incorrectly

I love this, even though "everywhere" here is similar to how Aliens view Earth in movies: The United States of America.

They came to Jo'burg once. They seem to like places with tax incentives for movie making https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1136608/

There’s a great bar in San Jose, “Cash Only”, get the frozen Irish coffee you won’t be disappointed.

I'm also a fan of this map of Area Codes in Which Ludacris Claims to have Hos.


Devil's Lake didn't populate, not sure why, maybe too difficult to disambiguate? It's a city in North Dakota, but state parks in Oregon and Wisconsin.

The data in the javascript indicates it in ND:

{ "name": "Devils Lake", "full_name": "Devils Lake, ND 58301, USA", "lat": 48.112779, "lng": -98.8651202 },





Devil's Lake


It says "Tennesse Chicopee" in the data (which attempts to look up a "Chicopee Trail" in North Carolina) but Chicopee is actually a city near Springfield Massachusetts.

Chicopee being a Nipmuk word referring to the local river.

The Nipmuks were pushed out of the region by settlers in the late 17th century (despite their best efforts to stay... their numbers were dramatically reduced by disease brought by the Europeans).

Music Hackday was great (Infinite Gagnam Style anyone? [0]) and I especially remember Reykjavik 2012 as a personal transformative event! I made Horisfy [1] and and won best hack, very similar to Johnny Cash, but riding horses on Iceland.

This was the time before Echonest was bought by Spotify and Tomahawk (used in Johnny Cash hack) was sprawling.

Fun memories :=)

[0] https://blog.echonest.com/post/34826507401/infinite-gangnam-... [1] https://web.archive.org/web/20121031194040/https://wiki.musi...

Delightful! This small ideas bring joy to the internet.

Wondering what will happen if this where made with a song of a current mainstream popstar baked by a big label and go viral. Will be shut down or will be allowed as a marketing strategy?

As viewing this on my phone, will like to enlarge those buttons a bit and make it more mobile friendly. Send it to my father but not sure if he will be able tap on that small things on even understand what is about :(

If you're into The Hold Steady (and you should be) the lyrics have a lot of references and the fandom does a great job of explaining them. The Clicks and hisses web has them all mapped as well.


Incredible site which I'll celebrate by posting this highly addictive cover:


This is for folsom blues

This is really cool. I thought it was Hank Snow, not Johnny Cash, who made this popular. Not that it matters. (Looks like it was both, and a boatload of other people too.)

With Open Street Map is possible to self host a project like this?

Like download a static full map and host it, for this project doesn't matter that will not get updated.

You can download map tiles or build them yourself at required zoom level. But what might be even more interesting, especially for historical project, to use an era appropriate map.

This is the Internet content I live for.

Someone should do this with the Dead.

Really nice! I wonder how they decided which Springfield to use? Looks like they went with Missouri

What about the Geoff Mack version?

Starts slow, but really gets going.


This is the best link on this site today. Thank you.

Including Kinghorn.

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