This one is pretty good, but I usually steer clear of his videos. Topics are pretty on point for my interests, be he just seem... Too full of himself?
I don't want to be mean in any way, but if someone agrees maybe they can put a finger on what it is
What is your background? I know that many Americans perceive a British accent as snobbish/arrogant (this is often used in Hollywood movies as well). So maybe it's just that?
Nah I always have the same impression, even though I’ve been watching for years (long before the chain thing), and I can see the janky setups trying to figure things out.
I think it’s mostly the voice / accent, to me it… sounds sneery?
I didn't get the impression he's too full of himself, but he was confident for sure. That's not being full of oneself though, that's making a video interesting, confidence, and not filling the space with caveats or self-deprecation.
Yeah, I think I can see the link to Mark Rober. Although not at all to the same degree.
Maybe it's the way of "acting dumb" in order to progress the discovery process, but a face that they know full well (obviously) that he knows what's going on? Essentially talking down to the audience?
Not sure. My first attempt at phrasing it did not get my feeling across well.
I like Steve Mould and dislike Mark Rober. hmmm. I feel a pretty good judge of character, Steve Mould is quite often humble and self effacing but he does mug and talk in a very intimate way - some people might dislike that from someone they don't really know.
I don't know him but I feel he is a bit tongue-in-cheek with humour. As far as I remember, he did comedy and was also good with education with kids. I don't imagine meeting him and him coming across as full of himself though. I feel I could approach him in a pub and he would have good banter.
This one is pretty representative of what his videos are like. Could be that you got a skewed first impression? Once you watch a few of them, you can see he's pretty genuine.