Maybe even making deals to compete with emulators + pirated ROMs.
Just fantasizing a bit here... thinking of Apple-approved N64, GameCube, GBA, PSP, even PS4 emulators with licensed games for a somewhat medium to high price tag - why not?
And, speaking from experience, Nintendo definitely wouldn't be on board. As far as I'm aware, they have never authorized any kind of third-party emulation of their games; even their first-party emulators like the NES Mini or Virtual Console have always been limited-time offerings with relatively small selections of games.
Getting ROMs is legal in a lot of circumstances, either by backuping the game yourself or if you own the game but download a ROM (like
Good luck having apple to approve a game where to do anything you have to google things, the game cannot tell you how to google and any public popular resources telling how to do it getting struck with DMCA.
It doesn't but IIRC most jailbreak methods on current devices (iPhone, PlayStation, Switch etc) were due to JIT. On PlayStation, it required escaping freebsd jail as well?