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Ask HN: What IRC rooms do you frequent?
19 points by jcapote on Nov 24, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 43 comments
Lately I've been hanging out at #jruby, always something interesting being discussed there. What about you guys?

Speaking of IRC, I realized this weekend I've implemented what I believe is the world's largest IRC network (the Justin.TV chat system).

According to searchirc.com QuakeNet peaks at about 170k users, whereas Justin.TV chat has gone up to 188k concurrent users so far.

I should write something about how JTV Chat was implemented - there's some interesting stories.

Would love to hear about this also -- sounds like a brilliant example of reuse in software engineering.

Please do

Sounds really neat. Please share your implementation with us :)

Yeah this would be great. I would look forward to it.

#startups on freenode has a few people from this site.

Arggh...rooms? Rooms is AOL-speak. :)

You mean channels.

There are no IRC channels in which I want to admit being involved.

#startups, #django, #clojure but to tell you the truth it changes all the time. for me it's not really a social thing - i'm just scanning for the occasional nugget of wisdom, or seeking help.

Web entrepreneur talk @ http://webetalk.com/chat.php


#webetalk on irc.webetalk.com

#nmu on csc.nmu.edu My CS department runs an unofficial server that we all SSH into and screen through IRSSI. We get a lot done that way. Makes planning our ACM/LUG meetings easier too since you can scrollback and see the previous discussions.

That's a great idea, I wish we had that in college.

Banshee, Concatenative, Gtk+, RSpec, Rubinius, Ruby-GNOME2, Vala, YAML

#rubyonrails on freenode

Most of irc.perl.org - notably #moose is quite good for discussing meta-model type stuff even if not directly in a perl context.

Plus a few bits and pieces on freenode.

#ai is good. #python for help in python #c++ to help ;)

#debian, #linode, #lighttpd, #drupal-support, #wordpress, #amateur_radio, and a private channel. On freenode, oftc, and efnet. Colloquy is nice. ;)

Have they fixed the issue where sometimes the entire chat conversion disappears until you switch themes a couple of times?

I can't say.. I picked a theme and haven't changed it.

I haven't been able to find an IRC client I like for the Mac, so for the last few months I've been completely clean.

I've been using Colloquy. Not great but gets the job done.

I can't get it to open up chat rooms. I enter in the room name and it goes entirely blank. And their help files are rubbish.

Try Help > Colloquy Chat Room. I'm there as 'jane', and maybe I'm not there all the time, but I can try to help when I am :)

Also you might want to try building from svn, I've got some builds up on http://janeylicious.com/colloquy/ if you're interested.

Also if Colloquy isn't your thing, there's also LimeChat and Linkinus. I've got lots of bitching that Colloquy's a dead project (with commits from a day ago...) and people who decide to switch have found those two clients to be useful, although Linkinus is shareware.

Try prefixing the channel name with a hash (#).

If you're an emacs user, give rcirc, or erc a shot. They're nice and simple.

I've been using Limechat lately

Try MacIrssi.

Freenode: #x264dev, #x264, #avisynth, #ffmpeg, #videolan, #mplayer, #ffmpeg-devel, #mplayerdev, #xvid, #uncov

Rizon: #darkhold, #cccp

#django, #python, #startups on freenode.

Most active in #django, can be a pretty fun channel at times

#space when there is a shuttle launch or other interesting live NASA TV coverage

#startups, #lisp, #php, #dojo on freenode #java, #c on efnet

#cakephp and #python maybe...I prefer mailing lists.

freenode: #utah, #lojban, #perl6 irc.perl.org: #parrot I also hang out in my ISP's IRC channel for convenient occasional tech support.

Freenode: #physics, #math, #trivia

UnderNet: #philosophy, #trivia

#clojure, #scala

I've been lurking in #clojure lately.

#postgresql, #ruby-lang, #python

#cappuccino on freenode ;)

#elinux and #linuxchix

#scheme on freenode.

+1 for #scheme--it's been a while since I've been on IRC, but enjoy that, #emacs (cause I learn a lot), #autonomo.us and on occasion hop into #lisp

On FreeNode, I auto join these channels when I bother to start my IRC client, which may or may not happen any given day.

#trilug (Triangle Linux User's Group)

#trijug (Triangle Java User's Group)

#trilug-mtb (people in trilug who ride MTBs)



















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