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My wife and I just tried it out and loved it. We were giggling like little kids playing around with the app's features.

On a more serious note, the shared todo list is great! No doubt a lot of other apps have this but with chat, photo sharing, Facetime, and thumbkisses, this makes Pair an awesome app. I would've easily bought this for $2-4/user.

Speaking of shared todo-lists, I'd love to see an app for roommates that handle all the todos of a household and break them down by common tasks:

(1) Food in the pantry - what do we have and what's finished (2) Bill paying (link into a service like WePay) (3) Major/large household purchases (4) Group chat for the household (allow linking of chat to the todo-lists and vice versa)

Bonus points if the app allows you to "connect" to neighbors you know well to know what things you are willing to share with one another like tools.

I'm not sure how well an app would work outside dense urban areas, but in any place where unrelated people live with one another and coordinate with one another, such an app would be useful.

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