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It's hard to find people to follow, even though I'm well-connected to the initial group of users (lots of friends in YC, started using Quora in 2009, etc.).

It's made worse because the Facebook Connect prompt on the homepage shows ~12 friends using the site, but once I log in I can't find them. There should be a word for that. Soup Nazi UX or something. "Here's some soup. NO SOUP FOR YOU."

Hey jfarmer, thanks for checking out the site. That looks like a bug - you should automatically be following them if you used Facebook. We'll look into it right away.

I didn't connect with Facebook because I know all the dirty tricks people play. ;)

I can't connect now, after the fact. There are also some simple design oversights. For example, any time I see a list of people, there should be a "follow" button next to their name.

It's actually quite hard to find people to follow starting from nothing, unless I want to follow some of the 8-10 people you suggest automatically.

I'd give the first-time experience a C+.

Good feedback. We have a feature to connect with FB after the fact, but it's a bit hidden so we'll make that more prominent.

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