I'm working on a startup which connects customers to providers. The site is aimed at a specific niche.
Everything is sort of planned/worked out. I'm already in the coding stage. For this I could use some help (I suppose), but I'll probably will be able to manage by myself.
I told a friend of mine (who is a great coder) the concept and the mockups and he thinks it's a great idea. Even more, he wants to help as a co-founder.
The code written for the site will be of higher quality and less 'hacked together' than when I would do it alone.
This is the dilemma: I don't want to split 50/50 just yet. However, I would like his input. I'm able to pay him for a bit of work, on the difficult parts of the site.
Also an option would be to pay him a lower salary upfront and a small portion of shares if the site takes off.
What would you do in a situation like this? Or have you been already involved in this scenario? For who have already 'startupped', is it possible to pull it off as a one-man show, or am I stupid to even consider this?
Another thing is that you don't have to have a 50/50 split to be co-founders. If you've got a 10+% stake in a company and come in pre-money, I'd consider that a co-founder.
If you're just worried about giving up equity, you'll need to break yourself of that. It'll kick you in the ass later on dealing with additional people coming on or when talking to investors. You'd be much better off building a team with "skin in the game". Just set out a vesting schedule with a 1 year cliff or something so that if somebody doesn't fit that there's a period of time where that can be evaluated. Be straight-up with them that that's happening.