I don't get this Firefox hate. I use Firefox and I'm pretty happy with it and the product's direction. I'm also fine igoring products and features that I'm not interested in.
Just because I'm criticizing something doesn't mean I hate it. I want it to be better, and that's something Firefox needs if it wants to get out of the bottom in terms of usage.
Firefox being at the bottom has nothing to do with what mozilla does. Its because they are going against google that pesters you to download chrome. The network effects of everyone downloading chrome for 15 years. The idea that google is one of the largest companies on earth and mozilla is a rag tag team. Firefox is better. You objectively have a worse experience on chrome or edge or safari. Most users otoh just don’t care about vetting software. They stick to what they know. Go to a library or cafe and be disappointed how many people browse the web with zero ad blocking because they simply don’t know any better.
I think we can recognize at this late date that most 'hate' on the Internet is about a form of fun, one kind of social interaction and self-expression and not about the object of abuse. People express hate about everything under the sun (and on HN).
Most of it is a performative rant, sort of like a stand-up comedy routine. The target is just material for the routine; nobody takes the comedian too seriously. Every HN thread has it.