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Oh, but you see, NSO targets only "terrorists and criminals", so if you're a law-abiding citizen with nothing to hide, there's nothing to be concerned about. Right? It's not like there's any regimes out there where, say, casual investigative journalism or opposition politics would ever land you with criminal or terrorist charges, no sirree.

In Hungary, for example, which is an EU country and democracy (i.e. there are elections), investigative journalists have been targeted with Pegasus by the government.

Elections != democaracy. In Russia, there are also elections. So are they in Syria, and so on.

Sometimes known as "Model-T election"

"Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black."

We have this in the US too but with two colors, both neoliberal.

To compare US elections to Russian or Syrian elections is both incredibly naive and dangerous. In one country, you have a leading political opponent having stolen classified docs treated with kid gloves; in the other, you have political opponents poisoned and literally blown out of the sky.

or you know, publicly shot in the head for standing up against the deep state and keep delaying the release of secret files even after 50 years.

Who are you referring to?

I think they somehow think Kennedy was against the deep state the way Trump is supposedly against the deep state.

If only people would come to realize this.

Under capitalism man exploits man. Under socialism it's just the opposite.

Sounds like you don't like the outcome and dismiss the possibility that it's the result of the system. From what I understand Orban has a decent approval rating in his country. For Putin it's hard to say since Russia is so foreign and separated, just like China - the only source of info is random crap by your preferred biased media source.

But for Hungary - I've been there multiple times in the last few years, know a few people, and I have no trouble believing he won democratic elections.

I don't care about Hungary. Just saying that because some country has elections doesn't mean it's a democracy.

In Poland, opposition party election campaign leaders were invigilated by Pegasus.

Our Prime Minister (Spain) was a target and they supposedly extracted gigabytes from his phone.

It was another country, we still don’t know which one it was but some think it was Morocco.

In Israel, these kinds of weapons are being illegally used by the police against activists and other figures. The irony!

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