I've had a couple of photo books made but I print very little. No room on the walls and I don't really need more physical "stuff." And while various things can happen to physical prints, I expect that most families don't really have a way to systematically pass down digital artifacts.
We have about 3 terabytes of family photos and videos. They are stored both on a local hardrive and on a cloud backup. They are probably the most irreplaceable thing we own. But I haven’t really figured out how to make them available to all the kids at some point. They know about the physical drive, but I’m not sure how to pass on the account information for the cloud backup. I don’t really want that information in my will right now since I’m not ready for the kids to access it and they have copies of the will.
Assuming you're willing to share the photos themselves today, probably some sort of rotating trading of USB drives? Provides redundancy too and 8TB or whatever drives are pretty cheap.