You libertarians are no different from the communists you so protest. One just worships the invisible hand of the free market -- something Smith would be devastated to see -- while the other worships the omniscient hand of big brother. Both seek appeal to a higher power that knows all. You worship a market and your claim is that one size fits all. For you yourself said that all strive richest and wealth. So nothing I can say because you won't believe me that I do not seek wealth or richest but just wish to live my days reading and doing math. Your model is to strict to believe I exist, or my partner, or my best friend. I know many who seek wealth, especially in my field of ML, but I promise you that there are many like me who just want to learn.
I have said my due, but my due is not simple. I cannot spoon feed you something which I claim cannot be spoon fed. I'll admit my ideas are likely a pipe dream, because they require one to think long and hard, to constantly re-evaluate to a changing ecosystem. To iterate and improve. For there is a bound to the simplicity of reality, but complexity goes against our deepest desires. There is no spoon feeding but you must read my words carefully. For your priors are getting in the way. Stop being a true believer and seek to understand what people are trying to say, not what you know they mean. For the latter is impossible for nothing you can say will convince me that you're an omniscient god.
I don't think there's much to respond to here, but for some reason both your posts had been flag killed. I don't think this argument is much good and frankly your posts are a little bit offensive, but that shouldn't result in being cancelled so I vouched for them.
I have said my due, but my due is not simple. I cannot spoon feed you something which I claim cannot be spoon fed. I'll admit my ideas are likely a pipe dream, because they require one to think long and hard, to constantly re-evaluate to a changing ecosystem. To iterate and improve. For there is a bound to the simplicity of reality, but complexity goes against our deepest desires. There is no spoon feeding but you must read my words carefully. For your priors are getting in the way. Stop being a true believer and seek to understand what people are trying to say, not what you know they mean. For the latter is impossible for nothing you can say will convince me that you're an omniscient god.