> Also tue, the Nazis basically started WW2 to murder all the jews.
Hitler was driven by his desire to reunify the German peoples and his wanting to enable Germans to become economically self-sufficient and militarily secure. Within Germany, these goals were supported because the Treaty of Versailles, which had ended WWI, put terms on Germany such as paying financial reparations, disarm, give up territory, and give up all its oversears colonies.
After annexing Austria and Czechosloviakia, Germany invaded Poland in 1939. The French and British had guaranteed support should this happen, so they declared war on Germany, which started WWII.
And the motivation was, in the Fuhrer own words none the less (!), Lebensraum in the east (and enslaving the slavs there while doing it) and gwtting rid of the made up jewish-bolshevik conspirancy by killing both groups. Hard to accept, I know, but none the less true.
Actually the only mistake the Allies might have made, might have because it is hindsight, is not invading Germany in the West while the Wehrmacht was busy in Poland. History is history so. Seeing the causes of WW2 so, and the motivation of the Nazis, as anything else than what they are ia something I will leave unadressed so.
We actually can't. Russia and in particular Stalin was also there. Russia absorbed more Polish acreage than the Germans. I'm happy to agree with the phrase, "Germany and Russia, acting together, started WWII."
The Russian war with Finland did escalate into a world war so. That was the Germans and the Japanese. Stalin, for once, had actually nothing to with that particular shitty thing.
Hitler was driven by his desire to reunify the German peoples and his wanting to enable Germans to become economically self-sufficient and militarily secure. Within Germany, these goals were supported because the Treaty of Versailles, which had ended WWI, put terms on Germany such as paying financial reparations, disarm, give up territory, and give up all its oversears colonies.
After annexing Austria and Czechosloviakia, Germany invaded Poland in 1939. The French and British had guaranteed support should this happen, so they declared war on Germany, which started WWII.