Prompted me into ordering a choc switch tester from KPrepublic, as honestly it’s the switches that make me hesitant (just unfamiliar).
I’d been considering an Advantage 360 but have been put off by the reports of problems. I’m a current Advantage 2 user, and it’s great, though I find the little finger (pinky) keys a bit awkward.
That's an incredibly in-depth review, especially w.r.t ergomomics comparison. I don't think I have seen any ergonomic keyboard review like that. Thanks.
Prompted me into ordering a choc switch tester from KPrepublic, as honestly it’s the switches that make me hesitant (just unfamiliar).
I’d been considering an Advantage 360 but have been put off by the reports of problems. I’m a current Advantage 2 user, and it’s great, though I find the little finger (pinky) keys a bit awkward.