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Why did the site hijack the back button? I tried to return to HN but it just kept reloading into the ghostfol.io site...

I am always baffled by people who actually use the back and forward buttons. I guess I just assume that everyone opens links by right-clicking and opening in a new tab. Is there some reason why back and forward is a better or even useful option?

Mobile devices, for one.

The amount of websites that don’t support control+click indicate to me that most people don’t use the method.

Edit: but regardless it’s not okay to hijack the back button.

You cannot possibly be serious. Who uses back buttons, on the web? Everybody.

I hit the same problem as gp, on mobile, tho I did open in a new tab (hold+open in new tab). The back button is usually a quick swipe from right to get me back to what I was reading.

Cmd+click! Right clicking to open a link in a new tab is uncivilized.

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