Hi, I'm currently learning HTML, CSS and JS but I'd like to get more in depth. I love learning stuff from books, even if it's a bit old-fashioned, because I can always take a brief look at what I need rather than having to search for basic information online, among several crappy SEO websites.
Can you suggest some books? I'd prefer advanced ones, as I'm not a newbie.
PS: I know you learn things only by doing, the book would be a support. You can suggest also books related to networking, that's the next step :)
[0]: https://alistapart.com/article/css-positioning-101/
For JS there are some online books that are gold mines the problem is finding them. One is Eloquent JavaScript which is available to read online for free here [1].
[1]: https://eloquentjavascript.net/
Though I've never actually finished the whole thing it does a pretty great job explaining JS to the uninitiated.
My other favorite books in JS are actually all from the same person Axel Rauschmayer. All of his books are available online for free here [2]. He has a really good way of explaining in my opinion and his books kind of take out all the fluff.
[2]: https://exploringjs.com/