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> I still haven't actually done it yet, but someday I want to rename that call to log.PageEntireDevTeamAt3AM() and see what happens to log quality..

The second best thing (after adding metrics collection) we did as a dev team was forcing our way into the on-call rotation for our application. Now instead of grumpy sysops telling us how bad our application was (because they had to get up in the night to restart services and what not) but not giving us any clue to go on to fix the problems, we could do triage as the issues where occurring and actually fix the issues. Now with mandate from our manager because those on-call hours where coming from our budget. We went from multiple on-call issues a week to me gladly taking weeks of on-call rotation at a time because I knew nothing bad was gonna happen. Unless netops did a patch round for their equipment which they always seem to forget to tell us about.

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