Depending on the programming language, I can't help but feel that this article is out of date.
Today you don't really need to be a pure starter or architect anymore. There are so many frameworks that mimic Rails and its philosophy of convention over configuration, that there's not really a lot of effort needed to start and its easy to delegate most of the architectural duties to the framework developers themselves.
As for the debugger and finisher, that is also a lot easier as well. With all the automated integration and behavior driven test frameworks, it's relatively easy to both cross your t's and dot your i's. Today you can have something yelling at you everything second your tests break (assuming that you wrote them, which is key to any project).
Today you don't really need to be a pure starter or architect anymore. There are so many frameworks that mimic Rails and its philosophy of convention over configuration, that there's not really a lot of effort needed to start and its easy to delegate most of the architectural duties to the framework developers themselves.
As for the debugger and finisher, that is also a lot easier as well. With all the automated integration and behavior driven test frameworks, it's relatively easy to both cross your t's and dot your i's. Today you can have something yelling at you everything second your tests break (assuming that you wrote them, which is key to any project).