Who invented Kubernetes? Ok, water it down if you must. Which of the FAANG was in at the birth? Yep.
What Google missed on, was taking cloud outside of itself as a visible customer product. AWS leapt into the breach, but the irony is that we want to use AWS to run a technology platform which Google has significant DNA in.
No. It actually compounds the problem in some ways: Great at designing technology, poor at capitalising on it. And of course, much we attribute as great in google was acquisition, not invention. Maps? Originally I believe outside. Android? Outside. Picasa? Outside. It's a long list of amazing things, Google acquired.
Go? Inside. They hired Pike and Thompson amongst others. Kubernetes, inside. Pike and Thompson had been working on plan9, which in many respects foreshadows Kubernetes. The language couldn't really be proprietary (google maintain very strong control over it) and Kubernetes went out as an open source quite quickly. QUIC also underwent this transformation from in-house to shared.
What Google missed on, was taking cloud outside of itself as a visible customer product. AWS leapt into the breach, but the irony is that we want to use AWS to run a technology platform which Google has significant DNA in.