Fantastic paper, possibly THE most important paper on software engineering. Unfortunately the language is quite dry and academic. This piece commenting on the paper is a nicer read
This article has probably the most exact description of both software engineering as a craft and as a problem set that I've yet come across. It perfectly describes that essence of all engineering that can only be captured by innate understanding and experience as a function of time, and not just "book smarts" for lack of a better word. 10/10, great read.
I find it incredible that every time I have a bit of experience with something, I find someone a long time ago has already distilled the essence down and written an elegant summary, with even more detail than I had considered.
This time published within walking distance of where I was living at the time.
Huh, I accidentally discovered this connection[1] recently and found it somewhat powerful. Very nice to hear that someone else has written about it -- Peter Naur no less. Thanks for sharing!
The very concept of abductive reasoning was introduced by C.S. Peirce, who was one of the premier logicians of his time, among other things. His work is certainly apropos to programming.
A strongly-related topic would be Curry–Howard correspondence, that is to say that programs and mathematical proofs have a lot in common. Proving an assertion is chaining transformations, without managing some underlying state / side-effects.
Big difference is that concepts in Mathematics are very immutable -- it's unlikely for us to redefine what Euclidean Space is and if we find some other framework to be more useful, we'd rather give it a new name. I am inclined to say it's a difference in discipline and conventions and in the scope and span. Programmers will create more when Mathematicians will try to cram their discovery into an already packed library, rather than open a new one -- the latter happens by accident in the world of Maths.
The workplace of a programmer differs in such a way that a lot more mutation (codebase, not just variables) is going on, the work isn't purely novel, e.g. will contain mundane parts [2]. Also, contractual obligation is different from formalism and it does appear that programmers work in strictly formal environment to achieve goals while mathematicians have goals and vibe but have to become correct machinelike interpreters and conjure up a formally valid extension on the basis of accepted assumptions. Furthermore, there is a disconnect and reconsiliation between code and processes, because code resides on layers of abstraction. Mathematicians work more cleanly with abstraction because immutability allows you to do so.
Programming does toy with pragmatism because the assumption is that problems can only be discovered once a prototype is made -- an earlier version of code is the instrument that enables deeper insight and understanding of the underlying project.
Math has a weird "human brain fetish" that's a bit difficult for me to articulate.
Those would be my 2cc to this discussion. I think the overall picture has become more clear about what programming and 'theory building' is, comapred to the 80s. As computation "broke off" from Math and had to reconsile with physics a bit, it's starting to enrich the parent discipline a lot more by providing avenues and interesting fields of research.
[2]: writing LaTeX and verifying would be mundane but it isn't doing maths per se as one could get away with handwritten text, unlike programmers having to ultimately compile their code into binary and making sure all env variables are set up correctly.
I went through all the previous HN discussions on the paper. I don't think I've ever done that before and don't know what compelled me to try today. It was rewarding! Pretty much every thread had new ideas not discussed in previous threads.
One quick takeaway: it seems like reading Ryle's The Concept of Mind to really understand Naur's idea of "theory" is a good next step for going deeper on this topic.
I think this can be said of any engineering design or even designing policy: design is essentially producing hypothesis that a design is the ‘best’ solution of problem where ‘best’ is defined by some method to predict the outcome of the design.
1. You read the source to build a model (theory) of the application in your head.
2. You use the model (theory) to work out a solution.
3. You then translate the abstract solution into actual code.
My experience:
Mastering step 2 makes all the difference when it comes to writing high quality software fast. The best developers I have ever worked with master step 2 and typically spend more time doing step 2 than inexperienced/bad developers. The result is typically much simpler solutions that can be built fast and require less maintenance. Basically the more time you spend on step 2, the faster you write high quality code.
As a non-software engineer, I often come across software whose ontology does not match the ontology of the world. This often introduces friction for both the user and for the development of the software.
What techniques do good software engineers employ to ensure this match?
It's theory building based off of seat of your pants gut feelings. If you build a shack haphazardly out of sticks and glue that's also "theory building".
If you want to build something like number theory or a mathematical theory then you need to start your program with axioms and rules. Then from there compose your axioms via the rules to form the rest of your program. Your program should entirely be a composition of well thought out primitives.
Unfortunately almost nobody does this. Rather then create a small set of axiomatic primitives to compose most people just add primitives at will to fix something. They don't think about how it will compose they just see a problem and shove in a new axiom or even modify existing primitives to make everything work until they get this ugly mess of a monster.
A program designed like this ends up being made up of thousands of primitives, most primitives likely used once or twice only. Nothing composes.
Technically your still theory building just like how building a house out of garbage, straw, glue and tape is theory building.
But thinking this way and to build programs as layered well structured lego blocks that compose is hard. What can help us think this way? How do you make your programs more closer to a "theory" in the way we think of it?
Is there a theory of theories that govern how primitives should compose that will help us think and actually construct programs that are more inline with what we think of "theory"? Yes. It's called algebra. Algebra based designs
Haskell largely facilitates this style of programming.
More then that the fundamental primitive of computing itself a function that takes data and processes that data to form new data in itself forms a composable algebra. Constructing logic as a composition of pure functions forms the basis of the algebra of computing then you use that framework to manipulate other algebras you designed and that ends up as a theory that looks like an actual theory.
Here's a small example of what a "theoretical" program looks like:
It's a JSON parser. I started with an axiom: func(string) -> Option<tokens, string>
Parsers in essence are functions that take in strings and parse part of that string to output some tokens and the remaining unparsed string. It might return an error too. That is the axiom.
From here I built a theory of parsing. How do parsers compose to form bigger parsers? What fundamental set of primitives do I need to build a JSON parser as a composition of simpler parsers?
As I constructed the parser I constructed the theory which formed a base set of parser primitives I could compose to form bigger parsers.
Biggerparser = smallerparser + othersmallerparser
Unlike most custom parsers if you go through this code it's somewhat readable.
We don't really call "Culinary arts" theory, it's more of a "art" Peter is largely not thinking deeply and as a result he defines "theory" in such a way that it refers to "Painting Portraits" as "theory" and lumps it with "The theory of Quantum Mechanics"
Generally we don't refer to "Culinary arts" as theory while we do so with "Number theory." A subtle distinction in meaning exists in our subconscious and Naur simply didn't have the self awareness to see the distinction. That's what results in his largely informal and qualitative paper about mostly nothing. Yeah building a program about say E-commerce is Obviously building knowledge around e-commerce... call it "theory" if you want but in essence it's nothing new under the sun.
You need to think in terms of the idea of "formal theory." Complex Number theory, The theory of general relativity. These things are distinctly in the same category as "knowledge" but refer to something more precise.
Naur likely felt the distinction but failed to put his finger on it. Like many laymen, if you call Scientology a "theory" they think of it on the same professional level as the "theory of Gravity". It's largely what Peter is doing with programming... he's just using the word "theory" to give programming more legitimacy.
He's not the only person to do this. Other bullshit like "Color theory" which chooses red, yellow and blue as primary colors is really just an arbitrary grouping that is only called "theory" to give it artificial legitimacy. The color sensors in your eyes are actually red, green and blue and color itself is actually a gradient of frequencies.
What Naur failed to realize is that Programming is distinctly the perfect vehicle for formulating formal theories around any subject. Keyword: "formal" Imagine a theory of "e-commerce" as formal and rigorous as Newtonian Mechanics.
But we almost never do this as programmers. Instead a program is more like "Culinary arts" a patch work of procedures and steps with no cohesion.
I made a JSON parser in the link above. And that parser is built using formal algebraic theory. The entire parser is created as a formula. An equation of smaller parsers.
It is literally the formation of a Formal theory of parsing. Or you can think of it as a Formal Algebra of parsing.
Obviously there's a larger theory in academia on parsing. But in my program there's a little formal theory there.
If programs are theory building. This is what is should be, this is what his paper should have been about. I think this was his intent, he just lacked the background to fully articulate and realize what is essentially a vague equivalence analogy between "programming" and "theory".
Largely readers of the paper and people who agree with him fell for the same trope.
I understand that your objection is that Naur is using the term "theory" for something different than you think it should be used for.
Let's replace Naur's use of the word "theory" (which he borrows from Ryle, a behaviourist) with "knowhow". Naur argues that the activity of programming is about building knowhow in a particular context. The knowhow consists of 3 behaviours:
1. The programmer having the knowhow of the program can explain how the solution relates to the affairs of the world that it helps to handle.
2. The programmer having the knowhow of the program can explain why each part of the program is what it is, in other words is able to support the actual program text with a justification of some sort.
3. The programmer having the knowhow of the program is able to respond constructively to any demand for a modification of the program so as to support the affairs of the world in a new manner.
I think this is a very succinct and sensible way of viewing programming, because it explains a lot of observations about what happens when people try to make, modify, and manage software.
I don't think the word "theory" itself is important to the paper, and I really don't care about "legitimating" anything to do with programming. My customers do that. I'm interested in Naur's arguments because they largely agree with the reality I observe, and provide a useful mental model.
>I think this is a very succinct and sensible way of viewing programming
I think it's a quite obvious way. To program a program you must know the program. To know the program you must know how to explain it. I mean you just formalized in a list of 3 points what's obvious to everyone: To build something you must understand that thing. Duh.
It's a bit of snobbery and elusive language to package this stuff up under the word "theory". Do we call construction workers masters of building and and construction theory? No.
>I don't think the word "theory" itself is important to the paper
It's the title of the paper. It's important.
> I really don't care about "legitimating" anything to do with programming.
Everybody cares about this. If everyone in the world thought programming was akin to doing crack cocaine you likely wouldn't be programming. Nobody admits this, everybody thinks they're above it, but the reality is nobody can be completely above it and the people who spend the most time thinking that they aren't influenced by "legitimacy" are the ones most influenced by it.
Naurs use of the word "theory" and trying to use at as an analogy to programming is an obvious attempt to raise programming to the level of "theory" as in "quantum theory" or "the theory of general relativity" because that's what people generally associate the word with.
His paper failed to raise programming to that level because Naur failed to even completely understand what a "theory" is and the difference between something like "color theory" vs. "Number theory". Instead Naur took a flawed definition that he felt would fit his purposes and used that. At best Naur basically described programming in a way where it's just another "color theory".
Why not just call the paper, "Programming is learning about the subject of the application you are programming."? Same thing right? No that title is to self evident and obvious. He needed to add some spice to the title and call it a theory.
I don't think the "spice" was misplaced. His explanation was the thing that was lacking here.
I'm saying programming is a step above that. Programming can be theory building akin to building things like "Electromagnetic Theory".
The most difficult and time consuming activity of software engineering is not the production of source code as a textual artifact, but building a mental model of the software system - why it was built a certain way, how it may be extended, how it may not be extended, how to answer questions about the system, an understanding of the abstractions within it and how to use them. In particular, this understanding exists outside of the source code itself.
It's for this reason that I am skeptical of ChatGPT, which automates the most trivial part of software engineering - writing the code. GPT will not give you understanding, only the textual artifact (and whether or not this artifact is actually the product of some AI "understanding" is unclear).
You MUST use RAG (retrieval augmented generation) for ChatGPT to be generally useful for programming.
I use a ChatGPT-based script using RAG to work with code-bases. I include text documentation included in the repository, descriptions of application and folder conventions in the documentation folder, and file paths for source information in the augmented prompt. The documentation it creates is nearly as good as my own and I feed the output back into the documentation folder for even better understanding of the application.
I am working on an effective prompt to enforce overall implementation style and approach. ChatGPT strays toward system-agnostic and lower-level abstractions instead of application conventions. Conventions at a higher level of abstraction are a subtle but important aspect of the application theory.
While the underlying model may not have 'understanding', the iterative process of interacting with the model creates a context that in my experience has captured part of the 'area of interest' during a pair programming session, our interactions have created a unique context that means the model responds as if it has modelled an 'understanding', it is something more than simply a text record of our conversation.
I think this is true for any domain of knowledge in ChatGPT. Its knowledge is shallow in a certain sense, but a lot of things don't require deep knowledge. Shallow knowledge generated very quickly can still be useful.
I find ChatGPT to be very useful as a source of documentation. I can ask it to summarize a certain scientific topic for me, or how to do a certain thing in the Win32 API. I'm not going to take its output at face value, but it still speeds up the process of figuring out what I should research further, what function to call, etc.
That FoC episode was my introduction to the show and was completely fantastic. The discussion was interesting, but they also had a lot of fun with the format which I was not expecting.
Thanks for the link. I really like the bit that expands on the notion that premature optimization is not limited to run time optimizations but to, perhaps more so, abstraction optimizations.
Naur on Programming as Theory Building (1985) [pdf] - - May 2022 (4 comments)
Naur on Programming as Theory Building (1985) [pdf] - - March 2022 (3 comments)
Programming as Theory Building (1985) - - June 2020 (35 comments)
Programming as Theory Building (1985) [pdf] - - Aug 2019 (11 comments)
Peter Naur – Programming as Theory Building (1985) [pdf] - - Jan 2016 (15 comments)
Naur’s “Programming as Theory Building” (2011) - - March 2014 (14 comments)
Programming as Theory Building (by Naur of BNF) - - Feb 2008 (2 comments)