Thanks for having us in the "assume good faith" category—we are committed to staying there! And I appreciate your sentiment. We have already made changes to the website, communication, flows, and processes based on this megathread, so I'm very grateful (even if emotionally hard)!
And re: auto-cancel, we've also debated this internally at length. We believe that the worst "startup poison" is not adhering to your customers, so we definitely don't mind shutting off subscriptions and have done it numerous times.
Currently I will admit it's not automated fully yet but my co-founder & CTO tracks whether members have been inactive 40 days (since some users might be paused for a month) and then he goes through this every week or so and double check their meeting with their coach (and if needed, check if there's a pre-agreed situation with their coach) and then will unsubscribe them. We are already in the processes of solidifying the protocol here to make it fully automated. A bit of context on why we don't cancel right away: holding the member's spot with their coach and ensuring the coach has the time/capacity to serve them is important, and sometimes members just don't show up for 1-2 weeks and when they come back, their coaches work with them to either catch up or sort something else out. If we were to just take their spot away, it can be really jarring (especially in harder times for our members) to not have their spot with their coach anymore (e.g. recurring time in calendar held) or support with that coach all together (e.g. coach capacity). Thinking more about it, one of the options we threw around was to have members be able to set this up early on: e.g. "If I don't do X for 30 days, please pause my account, I acknowledge I may not be able to access the same coach after", something along those lines. Very open to ideas.
And re: auto-cancel, we've also debated this internally at length. We believe that the worst "startup poison" is not adhering to your customers, so we definitely don't mind shutting off subscriptions and have done it numerous times.
Currently I will admit it's not automated fully yet but my co-founder & CTO tracks whether members have been inactive 40 days (since some users might be paused for a month) and then he goes through this every week or so and double check their meeting with their coach (and if needed, check if there's a pre-agreed situation with their coach) and then will unsubscribe them. We are already in the processes of solidifying the protocol here to make it fully automated. A bit of context on why we don't cancel right away: holding the member's spot with their coach and ensuring the coach has the time/capacity to serve them is important, and sometimes members just don't show up for 1-2 weeks and when they come back, their coaches work with them to either catch up or sort something else out. If we were to just take their spot away, it can be really jarring (especially in harder times for our members) to not have their spot with their coach anymore (e.g. recurring time in calendar held) or support with that coach all together (e.g. coach capacity). Thinking more about it, one of the options we threw around was to have members be able to set this up early on: e.g. "If I don't do X for 30 days, please pause my account, I acknowledge I may not be able to access the same coach after", something along those lines. Very open to ideas.