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A few weeks ago I found myself wanting a speech to text transcriber that directly captures my computer's audio output (I.e. not mic input, not am audio file), but I could not find one. The best alternative I found was to have my computer direct audio output to a virtual audio input device, but I could not do this on my desktop because I do not have a sound card. I found software that did this, but it did not allow me to listen to the audio output while it was redirected to a virtual audio input.

Has anyone else tried to do something similar? How did you achieve it?

Audio Hijack[1] will let you route any audio to multiple virtual or actual outputs while adding the ability to listen to any part of the signal chain. Hope that solves it for you, it’s saved my sanity a number of times! [1] https://rogueamoeba.com/audiohijack/

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