So what's the state of the art with respect to end-to-end email these days? Lavabit is back, but it seems like everyone uses Protonmail these days? But didn't they get into some sort of controversy a while back that made some people drop them?
And now I'm seeing Skiff, which is great, it's clear that people want this. I just no longer know who the players in the space are.
Unfortuantely they have become nothing more than snake oil. Huge bloated front-ends with 1000s of npm packages makes it very hard to trust anything like this. Add to this the lack of convenient search without having everything stored locally, and it becomes useless to go with an "encrypted" email provider over just a normal provider with emails stored locally encrypted on your device
And now I'm seeing Skiff, which is great, it's clear that people want this. I just no longer know who the players in the space are.