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> There is no upper-class conspiracy holding people back, there just isn't much money.

I think the argument is that there _is_ plenty of money, it's just parked safely and quietly in property rather than investing in production or R&D. And not a "conspiracy" as much as the blank look the property investor class give you when you can't promise risk free leveraged 7% forever.

I don't see how that is anyone holding anyone back?

Why would you want to take funding from someone expecting no stress or hassle?

> Why would you want to take funding from someone expecting no stress or hassle?

The important word here is "money". There isn't a surfeit of money available from more suitable investors.

Most folks I know and have read about didn't go to the loan shark or local mafia for 'money' even though that is even more readily accessible and with zero paperwork.

It's obviously not just about 'money'.

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