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How do many or most women feel about women's fashions and how they fit on the average woman?

Is that a problem with cotton?

How do most people feel about battery life on an iPad compared to an iPhone or droid?

Is that a problem with batteries?

The problem is in design and marketing, designing women's clothes for stick figures and boys, and designing and marketing the thinnest phones ever.

Would you prefer a) the phone you have now, or b) the phone you have now but 1/8" thicker and with a battery that lasted 30% - 50% - 100% longer that you didn't have to baby?

Whatever happened to "form follows function"?

I couldn't disagree more. The function of a phone involves being carried around everywhere, and size, especially thinness, is crucial here. This is the essential function of a phone, and everything else should follow from that. Throwing in a huge battery doesn't solve the problem, unless the battery can be charged faster.

4G is the fashion right now, but it has ever so little every day function compared to 3G. It's important to spec-sheet fashionistas, but for most people, the 1/8" is much more useful and valuable.

God yes. Who decided 'thinnest phone ever' was something to aim for? Nobody asked me...

Phones 30% to 50% larger would be disastrous. Uncomfortable, just too big. I think the way phones are now is about right. Still a bit too large to basically disappear in your pocket, but small enough to not be annoying.

It's not about fashion. Making phones larger would be a stupid idea indeed.

i disagree, my nokia 3210 was 100% thicker than my galaxy s2, but it was still comfortable to carry in my jeans pocket. i bought the extended battery for the galaxy s2, but would still buy a larger one if i would find one that provides the same confidence that the original Samsung one does.

The 3210 has less volume. Being huge in three dimensions the deal breaker. Volume is the name of the game, and the screen constrains that.

Also: The 3210 is still annoyingly large.

I agree, I absolute don't care about the thinness of my phone (within reason). It wouldn't bother me in the least if my phone was say...an inch thick. I would probably actually enjoy the heft of such a device. When I'm holding it as a phone or using it as a portable computer, there's a huge gap between the back of the phone and my hand. If I'm holding it horizontal and playing games on it, it's already too thin to hold comfortably.

Now my tablet...I think it could be lighter since the use cases for it are very different.

The Galaxy Nexus extended battery does exactly this... I guess the device couldn't just ship with the good battery because god forbid you add any thickness to the device.

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