I think the issue they have with your post is that you havn't explained why you think that anonfiles are victims (of what?) and why you think that HN is blaming them, and that you are refering to HN as a collective. This is a common pattern on reddit. The moderation here selects primarily for "convers[ing] curiously."[0] I don't know if the same can be said for reddit.
Of course, "don't be snarky" cuts both ways, and I don't necessarily agree with GP's language, although I think pointing out redditisms is in itself fair game.
i made the comment because the OP article was about anonfiles (a totally free service) shutting down due to unrelenting abuse. and rather than the comments talking about how unfortunate that abuse is or trying to offer a solution they instead basically say "well you made a public thing, fuck around and find out ig"
They bought the website, they didn't "make" anything. That was in the OP. You also can't take their word at face value. They certainly knew what the site was in part used for, and accept bitcoin donations for that exact reason. They also linked to/sold ads(?) for suspicious file sharing sites, (their own competitors) which has been pointed out here. And even your claim that they shut down due to abuse isn't a given — did they shut down or were they shut down by their provider? Or did something else entirely happen? We don't know, and it's fair to have multiple views on the topic, and even to be critical of the developers. Telling "hn" simply to "do better," without any explaination of what you realy mean and why you think that, isn't actionable. As a (former) user of anonfiles, I am sad they shut down, but I am aware that they were very suspicious compared to similar sites like catbox, who have a blog, FAQ and patreon. Nor am I surprised at all by their end. I think many are in the same situation in terms of their thinking.
I don't see what Reddit has to do with anything either, it usually has better moderation than here.