See, it's not Flash per se, it's Macromedia / Adobe that never adapted the workflow to the modern web. And nowadays, even if they wouldn't want to target modern web as the output, they could put a runtime and compile it to WASM... just like Flash.
The iPad and co dropped Flash support, but Adobe was too slow to updat their own stuff, and the existing Flash community didn't pick up again. I mean there's Adobe Animate that if I'm reading this right is the same product, but the ecosystem died.
No, the capabilities were simply not there, nor where they portable. Sure, Adobe could have reinvented the entire platform, but it would likely have been a waste. And if it were so simple, someone else would have done it.
The iPad and co dropped Flash support, but Adobe was too slow to updat their own stuff, and the existing Flash community didn't pick up again. I mean there's Adobe Animate that if I'm reading this right is the same product, but the ecosystem died.