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I built a garbage collector for a language that doesn’t need one (claytonwramsey.github.io)
320 points by claytonwramsey on Aug 14, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 144 comments

Nice blog post! I also wrote a concurrent reference counted cycle collector in Rust (https://github.com/chc4/samsara, https://redvice.org/2023/samsara-garbage-collector/) though never published it to crates.io. It's neat to see the different choices that people made implementing similar goals, and dumpster works pretty differently from how I did it. I hit the same problems wrt concurrent mutation of the graph when trying to count in-degree of nodes, or adding references during a collection - I didn't even think of doing generational references and just have a RwLock...

That's really cool! Thanks for the kind words. I remember peeking at it while hunting for collectors to benchmark against.

Why not publish to crates.io? This seems useful

Honest answer is mostly that I forgot; there was one more small TODO that I needed to fix before I wanted to publish it, and then I got busy and forgot about it.

You can always publish unfinished crates as 0.0.1 version

0.0.x crates are special in that they can have breaking changes even in minor versions (so 0.0.1 isn't compatible with 0.0.2), so they convey a level of stability that is even less than a typical 0.1.x crate

More generally, this is just semantic versioning. The first non-zero position is considered to have "major" impact, the following number is then a "minor" impact. https://docs.rs/semver/latest/semver/

Note that Cargo is a bit more strict than semver because Cargo consider that 0.1.2 must be compatible with 0.1.1 (for instance) but semver says that for any x and y, 0.x.y anything goes. However, 0.0.1 is not compatible with 0.0.2 (like semver)

I couldn't find documentation on that but here's a reddit thread about it https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/n4ni2d/arent_many_rus...

Having some marine background the first sentence confused me, I didn't realize people use the crab mascot for rust so much to use evolutionary terms. But there is already a term for the "opposite" of carcinization, it's just decarcinization. This analogy can come full circle if the next variant of this language uses the coconut crab or a hermit crab as its mascot.

You hear that crab-lang? :D Decarcinization is the correct opposite of carcinization. Hermit crab would be the perfect mascot in both function and metaphor.

> If carcinization happens when languages evolve to be more like Rust, then what do you call it when Rust evolves to be more like Java? Caffeination?

Surely oxidation is better than carcinization. And rust evolving to Java would be mineralization? Or maybe germination?

Eh, carcinization is a better ontological fit. Many separate things evolving into the same structure, versus the process of losing electrons and/or structurally degrading.

And it's the version I've actually heard used (multiple times) before now - having looked up 'carcinisation', I assume that comes via 'rustacean' (cf. crustacean), which makes it a bit more contrived and then sort of implies the result is a Rust developer, not Rust itself?

Makes more sense to me that a language/framework/etc. would 'oxidise' to Rust, and someone learning/getting hooked on Rust would 'carcinise'.

But this is all silly and doesn't matter anyway, ha!

The rust mascot Ferris is a crab. Like how go has a gopher.

And, of course, the name "Ferris" comes from being a homophone of "ferrous".

And not only a homophone - they have the same etymology.

Has that existed since day 1? I don't think I've ever seen that before. The gear icon comes to mind, not a crab.

No, it's unofficial.

I'm going to point out one potential footgun with your library: circularly-linked Drops.

If you have values A and B, both instances of T that implement Drop and hold a Gc<T> to one another, then either A sees a dropped B or B sees a dropped A, and you get UB. Technically this isn't a problem because you already marked it as an unsafe trait, but your documentation should also mention this problem.

You have a safe derive macro for Collectable, however, so it needs to reject Drop. This is possible with some weird macro magic[0].

For those wondering, while Python doesn't have UB, it used to enforce the same rules until PEP 442[1]. Circularly linked garbage that implemented __del__ would instead get stored in sys.gc.garbage and you'd have to go in there and break references on __del__ types. However, native code objects will actually still trigger this behavior[2] presumably to avoid UB.

I have no clue if Java finalizers need to worry about this.

[0] In Ruffle we use gc_arena as our garbage collector. It enforces no_drop in it's Collect derive macro. See: https://github.com/kyren/gc-arena/blob/master/src/gc-arena-d...

Actually, I lied: no_drop is one of two safe constraints you can use Collect with. The alternative is require_static, which only works because gc_arena treats the entire GC heap as a data structure that is owned and has a lifetime that all Gc pointers borrow. This doesn't work for dumpster, though, so ignore it.

[1] https://peps.python.org/pep-0442/

[2] https://docs.python.org/3/library/gc.html#gc.garbage

These issues are currently handled by my library. It’s not mentioned in the blog post because it would be a little distracting. Dereferencing a “dead” GC during Drop currently yields a panic, while all GCs must be ‘static.

This comment would be significantly improved by fully spelling out what UB is at least once.

Undefined behavior means the compiler will rewrite your program in ways that do not follow from the meaning of the source code. This means things like conditions and guards just disappearing, code being reordered in ways that don't make sense, and so on. All of the safety guarantees of Rust go out the window once UB is triggered, because everything goes out the window. Which is why Rust is designed so that safe code can't trigger UB. But unsafe code still has to worry about it.

> the compiler will rewrite your program in ways that do not follow from the meaning of the source code.

It's not that, it's just that the source code has no meaning for a particular code path, so the compiler can do anything so that other code paths or conditions can be faster/more optimized.

Just nitpicking.

This is really impressive work and I applaud the author for building something that I'm sure lots of folks will find interesting and possibly very useful, but I want to say that I think there's a reason reference semantics (using and sharing heap allocations) are hard in Rust: It's because references are just plain hard to use safely. Rust tries to make the gnarly things awkward, but what is the easy path?

If you look at the Hylo (formerly Val as of 3 days ago) language [0] that folks like Dave Abrahams have been working on, they're outright saying to just not use reference semantics if you can avoid it. In this talk at CppCon about Value Semantics, Dave argues that we should be decoupling object graphs from access to objects [1]. That's right folks, using `usize` indexes into collections, or adjacency lists, isn't just a hack to get around the borrow checker as people like Jonathan Blow have famously critiqued [2], it may just be the right way of doing things.

[0] https://www.hylo-lang.org

[1] https://youtu.be/QthAU-t3PQ4?t=2354

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t1K66dMhWk

I know of a lot of people trying to do "arena" GC in Rust using integer indices. I think that's an excellent approach, but it does mean you have to pass in the arena as a resource to every single function which produces an allocation. This isn't even necessarily a bad thing - the net result is a lot like Zig's allocator API.

I know there's a nontrivial overhead to using index-based references, especially since CPUs can't easily predict load operations. This gives me an idea: create a CPU architecture where pointers are actually (object, offset) tuples, enabling better on-metal performance with index-based references. I've neither the time, money, expertise, nor energy to implement such a thing, but it would be really cool if it existed - maybe CHERI is a close approximation, though I haven't looked very closely at it.

> it does mean you have to pass in the arena as a resource to every single function which produces an allocation

Implicit arguments! I'm more and more convinced that this form of controlled dynamic scoping dynamic scoping should be embraced by more languages.

> create a CPU architecture where pointers are actually (object, offset) tuples

Segments might yet see a renaissance (and CHERI might be indeed be a form of it).

Yes, the obvious way to do this is have the compiler add a context parameter to every function that allocates memory or dereferences a pointer (semantically). To run the program, the main function ala c initializes the context and passes it in to the actual main program implementation. When the program finishes, all the memory can just be released in bulk in the wrapper main that initialized the context.

This is actually a serious proposal for the Rust language, it's called contexts and capabilities

Here's a blog post from 2021 https://tmandry.gitlab.io/blog/posts/2021-12-21-context-capa...

This isn't implemented yet, and the proposal never matured into a proper RFC, but there's high interest for some solution along those lines

And just a note, this is called Reader monad in Haskell

In other words, receiving an implicit parameter is a kind of effect. So another way to provide this feature is to have a full blown effect system (which is much more general and is probably overkill, but there's also some interest for that)

How is that much different than just using malloc and then letting the OS clean up when the process exits?

By having implicit arguments, a framework can decide when to override the implictness and be explicit to use a different arena when needed.

Also, many process like servers are long lived, so the OS clean up strategy does not work for them, and they are exactly where you want some strategy for memory allocation like arenas to prevent memory fragmentation.

> Implicit arguments! I'm more and more convinced that this form of controlled dynamic scoping dynamic scoping should be embraced by more languages.

This might be an odd comment, but this is sorta similar to React's Context mechanism. For what it's worth, it makes a lot of things easier but it can definitely also add a lot of surface area for complexity. Although it's certainly better than relying on globals all over the place.

> just a hack to get around the borrow checker as people like Jonathan Blow have famously critiqued [2], it may just be the right way of doing things.

I dunno, isn't a usize index into a collection essentially just the same as a pointer? Ok it's a bit safer because you at least know the type of the object you're accessing is correct, but you can still get e.g. use after free bugs.

I think Jonathan Blow is right and wrong - it is a hack to get around the borrow checker, but also that's totally fine. The borrow checker still works for the other 95% of code you are writing. Nobody ever claimed it was the perfect solution to every problem.

Don't you also know the type of the object when dealing with pointers and references (assuming no casts)?

Though arenas are useful even outside of "hacks".

In the end, a pointer (or a reference, even) is "just" a usize index into the heap, which can be thought of as a heterogenous collection.

No. An invalid pointer can point to literally anything. Just because the pointer type says it points to T doesn't mean it really does.

With an index into Vec<T> you are at least guaranteed that the object will be a T.

You are guaranteed memory safety, but you aren't guaranteed to have a correct reference.

Yep. A pointer/reference is just an index into a giant shared mutable array of bytes, which is exactly what causes all of the problems :)

Is this essentially the "cyclic reference counting" algorithm from the Garbage Collection Handbook [1], Chapter 5, Algorithm 5.5?

[1] https://gchandbook.org

I’m not a Rust programmer, but I’ve heard Rust has compile-time AST macros. I wonder if it would be possible to implement a Rust GC by defining a macro to tag garbage collected sections of code. The macro expansion could then insert cycle-checks on moves as described early in the post. I have no intuition for how performance would compare to the trait-based approach that the author went with.

IME a lot of people want some kind of help from the compiler when writing a GC, but there is the fundamental static vs. dynamic problem.

Heap integrity / reachability is a dynamic property of a running program, and so all the static solutions basically end up as half-measures. (I imagine this would include using macros, though I don't know exactly what you mean),

FWIW this is my experience - https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2023/01/garbage-collector.html

Take it with however many grains of salt, but I heard many static solutions proposed, and they're all "wrong" for the simple reasons in theory of computation.

Also, Rust's static memory management inherently clashes a bit with dynamic memory management. That's also a fundamental thing, and you can have a bazillion mechanisms to ameloriate it for some cases (which may be valuable), but the problem will still be there no matter what.

In Rust, macros work at the tokenization level. Making a macro do that would require the macro to fully parse and analyze the syntax tree - possible, but not very efficient. Additionally, there's no guardrail to enforce that the user doesn't move a `Gc` anyway.

Yeap. 2 flavors: procedural and pattern matching. Even the build can be scripted in Rust. And there is constant evaluation. https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/const_eval.html

Rust already has precise heap allocations with Box and Rc/Arc without the need for GC. GC implies uncomputed heap allocation liveness deferring work until later.

Rc is reference counting, which is garbage collection, although not tracing garbage collection. Though optimizing RC throughput tends to involve deferral (and optimising tracing latency tends to involve more upfront work on the mutator) <https://web.eecs.umich.edu/~weimerw/2012-4610/reading/bacon-...>

Rc/Arc in rust are precise and immediate. There is no garbage to collect later. I wouldn't call that GC, it's functionality of a heap one level up from malloc/sbrk.

That's still a fine GC. Although ridiculous, consider performing a tracing GC after every assignment - that system would provide the same immediacy (or better, due to cycle detection).

after spending the requisite time trudging through the lifetime swamp (I couldn't couldn't imagine running my whole life on the stack), and seeing all the nice things about rust, I couldn't help but thinking at the end 'this would be a really nice language if it were garbage collected'. of course you can't say that.

this is nice

That language is called OCaml.

OCaml doesn't have a borrow checker (yet). I'm sold on having a borrow checker, not just for memory, but for io of any sort. I'm not sure what adding GC to a borrow-checked language allows for other than catching self referencing but unreachable loops?

I definitely think a language that has room for abstractions that aren't zero cost, while still having a borrow-checker makes sense. Using rust to make that language also makes sense. I think implementing a vm or interpreter entirely in safe rust would effectively force borrow checking on the resultant language wouldn't it?

Ruby seems like a good place to start the experiment. I'd prefer it end up with something more like julia or python just for my own use cases.

OP was asking for a language like Rust, using a GC instead, duh!

As for having both, I rather take Swift memory ownership or Linear Haskell approach, or even D/C#/Nim/Go.

The productivity of automatic memory management, with the tooling to go low level C and C++ style, if and when it is really needed.

I would have considered the borrow checker and zero cost abstractions to be rusts defining characteristics, so ocaml isn't anything like rust except some syntax and that they are both multi-paradigm. And then my point is that as the author points out, you don't really need a GC if you have a borrow checker. If you want a language with few costly abstractions, but with a GC, go or D come to mind I guess? But the borrow checker is such a big piece of rust I don't really consider those similar languages either.

If the idea is for a safe but more ergonomic language at the cost of performance, I think you'd be focused on making clone and copy implicit when a move doesn't work, getting rid of explocit borrows/references, and perhaps figuring out mutability without needing to annotate it. The absolute type safety is probably the biggest speedbump I hit in daily usage though, not the borrow-checker. A strong but duck/dynamic type system might solve that?

Most people when they say like Rust, they mean ML syntax, as Rust is the very first experience with Hindley–Milner type systems.

Borrow checker alone makes several algorithms and data structures quite hard to implement.

Swift memory ownership model, Linear Haskell, Hylo (née Val), Chapel, Ada formal proofs, D's ownership model, are all examples where language designers decided borrow checker alone is too much to ask for.

Swift's proposal with copy on write is the sort of thing I was suggesting to make the borrow checker more ergonomic. It is going to be optional though, which I think takes some of the utility away. I want much stronger safety guarantees in the overall infrastructure than that would provide. Linear types in haskell would provide that, but speaking of some data structures being difficult, Haskell makes largely the same ones problematic. Ada has a borrow checker of sorts, but it makes unchecked_deallocate UB. As long as you don't free memory it doesn't have UB. That isn't a bad trade really, but it still isn't completely impossible to do bad things with access types and they aren't that ergonomic either. I don't know much about the others you mentioned. There is definitely a space for a friendlier enforcement of ownership that makes strong guarantees. But again, the borrow checker isn't my main pain point in rust, its the static strong typing with no duck typing for generics. It makes for nice error messages, but it makes other stuff hard.

No need to call unchecked_deallocate directly, unless one isn't using controlled types, and even better SPARK features.

No UB to worry about.

This post is a horrible intro to Rust. It's a fantastic work, but totally outside of what a normal everyday Rust program looks like.

> requisite time trudging through the lifetime swamp

Rust really isn't like that. It gets a bad rap.

> I couldn't couldn't imagine running my whole life on the stack

Most of the things you touch in Rust are heap allocated.

> this would be a really nice language if it were garbage collected

It is a nice language, and all of your complaints go away once you start using the language idiomatically.

It's not taboo to say so, even within the Rust community. It's something that will happen eventually. You might be interested in reading https://without.boats/blog/revisiting-a-smaller-rust/

> of course you can't say that.

Oh you can absolutely say that.

It's just a dumb take. Because there are already languages which have a solid type system, a functional bent, and a GC. And you can probably bang out one yourself if you want.

If that was what Rust was, it probably wouldn't have existed in the first place, Mozilla would not have been interested in it in the second place, and no community would have gelled around it in the third place. Hell, it was specifically dragged further downstack by the people who coalesced around its potential in that space.

It's not a dumb take at all. I have been using Rust for > 6 years now. A significant portion of my projects don't benefit strongly from the borrow checker (the other ones massively do). I use Rust primarily because it has a solid type system, functional bent, and - most importantly - phenomenal tooling (cargo, rust-analyzer), package ecosystem, and developer UX.

If OCaml/StandardML/Haskell/etc had anything close to the ergonomics and convenience of cargo for testing, setting up projects, adding deps, deploying them to any OS/platform, I would probably write about 30-40% less Rust.

I'm not saying we should add GC to Rust - but I think there is space for a Rust+GC language (or just improved ecosystem and tooling for other functional langs)

> If OCaml/StandardML/Haskell/etc had anything close to the ergonomics and convenience of cargo for testing, setting up projects, adding deps, deploying them to any OS/platform, I would probably write about 30-40% less Rust.

Ahem... Excuse me, sir, do you have time to talk about our lord and savior Robert Pike?

> solid type system

Politely closes door in your face

I personally enjoy working with Go's type system even more than Rust's. For example, implicit interfaces make code reuse much easier than Rust's traits.

Lack of sum types is complete deal-breaker for me unfortunately.

There's a proposal, for what it's worth:


Although I'm curious, what is your use case that cannot be fulfilled by interfaces, but can with sum types?

`if err != nil` is the easiest example.

Sum types allow you to express type-level OR. Structs/tuples etc are AND (product types). I like to be able to use both OR and AND at both the expression and type level.

Like opam and stackage?

I'm familiar with both - but not really the same order of magnitude. crates.io lists >120k packages. opam has ~4500, and stackage ~3000. And the package ecosystem is only part of it. Admittedly, I haven't written any OCaml or Haskell in the last year or so, but my experience of just getting a new library or executable up and running isn't comparable to cargo either. But also hard to separate my strong familiarity with Rust from the comparison.

Quality matters more than quantity.

I rather have one package that does it right, than 20 doing a different set of 80% from what is needed.

Who wouldn't. But let's not pretend that stackage and crates.io are covering the same functionality space.

As just one example: there are no OCaml or Haskell packages for natively reading or writing parquet files. There are at least 2 such packages for Rust.

Yeah, yet it doesn't matter to me, I don't even know what they are about.

Likewise, despite crates.io, Rust is missing lots of stuff I miss from Java, C# and C++.

Plenty of stuff isn't there yet.

It's true that Rust would probably not exist today if it didn't focus on lifetimes but I think a lot of Rust programmers now either don't care or literally don't know anything about memory management e.g. Every rust programmer that I've met (my age at least) has taken to rust because they like it as a language and are often trying to avoid learning C++ (note that is completely different from looking for a language after having learnt C++).

Rust as a midpoint between Haskell and C, so really C with a nicer type system, combined with momentum/meme status is more important today than it's memory safety story. Memory safety just isn't the buzzword that it was even in 2019 let alone 2015.

> And you can probably bang out one yourself if you want.

I've written my own dataflow analysis code, aimed at lifetime checking, too, but that's not really the point is it?

Rust is nothing like C. It's not even a midway point between C and Haskell.

Rust is C++ with stronger typing and a better memory management model. Comparisons between Rust and C aren't really accurate because Rust is the modern stainless steel kitchen sink that C++ can't be. Without its lovely ADTs and borrow checker it's just C++ with a better package management story. Nothing wrong with that. It won't replace C.

C is crap, but C is clearly the more fundamental point in the embedding space here so I went with it over C++ — "professional" C++ has its own idioms/Alexandrescu-isms that barely exist in any other language.

Targeting C for replacement wouldn’t even have been a great goal, C++ is the de facto performance queen in the industry, follow its suit.

It's not a dumb take. It's certainly true that Rust with GC would not solve the problems Rust was intended to solve, and would really not be Rust.

But that doesn't mean Rust with GC wouldn't be a nice language! I don't know of any language that really fits that description.

In fact, I'll pick just four things I like about Rust: a good type system, a supportive, productive community with a focus on doing real stuff, enough mindshare and buzz not to be irrelevant, and being not totally insane.

The first criterion rules out all untyped languages, Go, and the blue collar languages like Java and C#. The second rules out all existing functional languages. The third rules out whatever niche language you're about to suggest. The fourth rules out C++.

There really isn't a mainstream managed language which has managed to thread both the design and community needles the way Rust has.

C# probably has more of the "good type system" you are looking for than not these days (and every compiler release at this point seems to better it) as it keeps borrowing clothes from F# and the ML family of languages. The biggest missing tooth in the type system that most really want are discriminated unions at this point, and you can build things like them by hand or using common libraries (including building them relatively easily in F# in a way that is exportable to C#; it's not the most ergonomic answer, but it is fine sometimes). It's also something that seems increasingly likely to show up natively in a future compiler release.

Scala seems to fit all of your requirements.

> a supportive, productive community with a focus on doing real stuff

> box_ref.tag.store(COLLECTING_TAG.load(Ordering::Release))

Is it just me or do release semantics not make sense for a load? Release is for stores (I'm coming from the C/C++ atomics model). Hm, the docs[1] say a Release load will panic:

> Panics if order is Release or AcqRel.

Maybe just a blog transcription typo for tag.store(TAG.load(Relaxed), Release).

[1]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/atomic/struct.AtomicUsize...

This is correct, thank you. I'll fix it shortly.

I’ve recently been looking at this space for using a Gc smart pointer in a language I’ve been writing. It’s extremely useful - you can integrate builtins and external functions very cleanly

Honestly, this is a very cool project. I would suggest you publish this as a formal paper to a pl journal.

Always remember: a garbage collector is a theorem prover that proves that objects are unreachable, over and over, so that they can be destroyed.

It is in general undecidable whether an object is unreachable, but we can get good performance with heuristics.

It's not. You're describing a static analyzer that inserts free() automatically. Not GC. GC is pretty much the opposite.

Edit: Well, I didn't think it through. You're correct. A "perfect GC" is indeed undecidable, and all the real world, practical GC have "false positive" (a piece of memory is no longer used by the code, but there is no way to know it). A perfect GC without false positive is equal to halting problem.


  var obj = new Object();

  // === real code begin 
  ... 50 lines of real code that never uses obj
  if (something == true) return;
  ... another 50 lines of real code that never uses obj
  // === real code end


A perfect GC can release obj while the real code is running. A real world, imperfect GC can't, since whether the real code returns early or not is undecidable.

After writing a garbage collector, I can say that I’ve seen the unreachable / “will never be used” distinction, and it’s more or less irrelevant trivia.

It doesn’t help you write a garbage collector to think of it that way. It doesn’t provide insight into the problem. The problems are elsewhere. Focus on reachability, dynamic understanding of the heap, performance, etc.

> more or less irrelevant trivia

What are some cases? The only I can think of is if a "remote" thing owned the memory. For example, if I sent a pointer elsewhere, then reused it later. Like, maybe with a device driver, or library.

> You're correct.

No, s/he's not. The original claim was:

> It is in general undecidable whether an object is UNREACHABLE. [Emphasis added]

Being unreachable is not the same thing as being "no longer used by the code". The latter is indeed undecidable, but the former is not.

You normally fix that not with the GC itself, but with the compiler.

If new Object() truly doesn't have any effects visible other than the valid reference, then it's creation can be moved to after the if statement.

It's easily decidable whether a given GC object could be reached. What isn't decidable is whether a it will be used in the future.

The conservative approximation that GC's make is that they keep all objects that could be accessed in the future by the program (reach-able) instead of only keeping the objects that will be used in the future.

A trivial example is:

    void main() {
      var obj = new Object();

      while (true) {
        // Do other work...

        if (dayOfWeek == 9) {
Since there are only seven days in the week, that `print()` statement will never be reached, and an optimal GC would free obj. But the GC can't determine that. All it knows is that it could possibly be reached, so the object stays in memory.

Why is it undecidable? Is it not just a graph traversal/coloring problem?

The case that arises quite often in practice is when a reference is retained, but can only be used on an error path (e.g., as part of an exception). The error condition may not ever happen due to the way to code is written, but it's unlikely the garbage collector can prove that except in the simplest possible cases. Usually, it is acceptable to do a conservative approximation of the actual lifetime, and blame space leaks on the programmer.

Garbage collectors usually also make assumptions in the other direction (a non-conservative approximation) when it comes to finalizable resources (e.g., file descriptors). These uses do not involve the reference that is visible to the collector. This gives us Reference.reachabilityFence(), and again mistakes are blamed on the programmer.

To put it simply it's very difficult to determine what objects (in the C term) are garbage. Hence why we have things like reference counting. We need extra data to hint to the collector what is, in fact, garbage.

If you define garbage in the conventional way — “objects that can never be reached from any GC roots” — determining what objects are garbage only takes linear time (tracing)…

Reference counting helps the tracing phase out by pruning objects that are clearly garbage early — if a refcount hits zero, that object can clearly be deallocated safely. The converse is not true, which is why we need tracing.

Okay, so you need to set up some scaffolding/bookkeep some metadata. Still not impossible.

No an expert, but afaik the problem is not the complexity but the performance cost.

Sure, but that's not "undecidable"?

Technically the halting problem is a performance cost issue, because you can always tell whether a program stops by just running it. The performance cost is having to actually run it and wait and see, rather than find some quicker way to the answer.

I don't think it can be boiled down to a performance cost issue. If a program is going to run forever, how do you measure the forever has passed to conclude the program doesn't halt?

By waiting forever.

I understand that "forever" is a nebulous term, but it works both ways. We both know that no computer program could actually run forever.

> I understand that "forever" is a nebulous term, but it works both ways.

So, at what point in time the person who is observing a running program is going to declare it doesn't halt? What if they conclude the program doesn't halt, just for it to actually complete execution the very next second?

In practical terms, that's why we have timeouts. And in some cases relying on a reasonable timeout is fundamentally the best we can do -- exactly because we can't deterministically answer if a program ever halts.

> We both know that no computer program could actually run forever.

No program can actually run forever, of course. But any program will stop eventually due to external factors -- me hitting Ctrl + C or pulling the power plug or whatever. The halting problem asks whether it's possible to tell if a program will ever stop or not according to its internal logic.

Here's a (likely dumb) analogy off the top of my head regarding a program stopping due to external reasons. Imagine, I toss a coin, lightning strikes and evaporates the coin while its midair. Do I get to say it was heads or tails? Guess, it's impossible to claim either way.

> So, at what point in time the person who is observing a running program is going to declare it doesn't halt?

That "point in time" is within time itself condition on the program halting. If the program never halts, then that point in time is "never". We might disagree on whether "never" is a point in time at all... We might even disagree on whether "never" as a concept even exists or makes any sense.

Yet as you say, all programs will halt, one way or another. You divide such factors into "internal" vs "external", but if we really think about, no computer program is an island; Computation is a property of the material universe. I wouldn't be so quick to draw the distinction between internal logic and external interference. The program itself wouldn't exist without external input, and its result is only meaningful in the context of the reality to which it has effect.

I understand the nature of the abstract philosophical academic conundrum, but also that it's a flawed and incomplete way of modeling real world concepts. To me the halting problem is a practical engineering one; A matter of performance. A faster way to find the same answer, i.e. optimization.

Consider internal errors as well. The computer can have a hardware bug that causes the program to never halt even if in theory it should. Internal interference in the flow of electrons within its circuits could throw it off. The coin in your example could be faulty, and shatter due to internal tensions upon landing.

This is only true for the very small turing machines that we know the busy beaver number for. In the general case, for a system of even moderate size, you have no way of knowing if you've waited long enough to know if the program runs for ever or not.

I'm not sure this is right. the classic gc approach is dynamic, not static, and it discovers the reachable set, not the unreachable one. please elaborate?

There's garbage collection algorithms that do one, the other, or a combination. It depends mostly on what constraints you have, though yes, high-performance GC mostly looks for the reachable set.

Empirically what you say can't be the case, because if it's "undecidable" then one of these must be true:

1. The GC frees objects that could be reachable (program gets corrupted in spectacular ways).

2. The GC never frees anything (as it can't decide).

The GC may not dispose of objects immediately, but when it determines they're not reachable, they're not reachable, period. There's nothing undecidable about it.

It's undecidable when you consider the possibility that the program won't ever attempt to access an object. A tracing collector plays it safe and assumes such objects might still be accessed at some point. In GC languages you'll often see deliberate null assignments in order to allow the collector to clean up objects sooner.

Reachable/accessible and reached/accessed are different things, why are we talking about it as if it's the same thing? One is a potential eventuality, the other is an event.

GC are concerned with the potential eventuality, which is 100% decidable, not with the latter, that was never under discussion.

To say "reachability is undecidable" means you can't decide whether you MAY or MAY NOT reach it. Which is wrong. You can decide whether you MAY or MAY NOT reach it. And if you MAY NOT... then that's 100% unreachable and safe to collect.

I'll join the others in trying to bring up a nuance.

The issue is not necessarily unreachability being undecidable. The issue is that reachability depends on control flow. And that implies being conservative which translates into having to deal with false positives.

That static analysis in a nutshell: how to get precision and soundness.

Probably a mere question of terminology.

As I understand it, Rust originally had support for garbage collected objects. It was removed because the community avoided it as a general practice to ensure that libraries could work without the optional GC runtime, due to its popularity as a systems language.


Yeap. Vec, String, Box, format!, and println! all depend on alloc for heap allocations. If an allocator is provided, alloc can be used in no_std. For format!, there are alternatives such as providing a fixed u8 buffer. It's quite amazing what can be accomplished without alloc.

I think GC is a very cool set of algorithms that have their place for collecting detached elements of a graph. But in a programming language, the baseline memory model should not be a graph in the first place.

What else should it be? Besides the memory model being an implementation detail, that is not inherent to the problem, most problems (mathematically for sure, but imo also practically) require general graphs.

Most problems don't require a general graph. They require subsets of a graph, because everything is a subset of a graph. A list is a subset of a graph. A map is. A tree is. A relational database is. A directed acyclic graph is. But we can stop before it's just any "graph". We can stop at DAG, like neural networks do, or even at tree, like programming language syntax does ("abstract syntax tree", "expression tree"). Code and data are two faces of the same thing.

You can also easily reproduce a graph when you need it, by using simpler data with computation on top which builds the graph "on the fly", without it having to be your baseline memory model. You can for example easily describe a graph in two SQL tables: edges and nodes. But SQL state itself is not just any graph, and for a very good reason.

You probably know that the first databases were hierarchical and graph. SQL won not because it gave more freedom, but because it removed freedom in a highly specific way, which enabled larger more reliable systems, contrary to naive expectations. Too much freedom is freedom to shoot yourself in the foot, whether you know better or not.

Today graph databases have enjoyed a renaissance, but despite they have solid uses cases, they'll never be the baseline type of database. They won't replace relations. People have learned their lesson in databases. But in programming languages, they haven't. It's one of those things where we can't translate knowledge from one area to another, because the words we use for the same effects are different and therefore we can't make the connection.

I wrote more here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37122934

> Most problems don't require a general graph. They require subsets of a graph, because everything is a subset of a graph. A list is a subset of a graph. A map is. A tree is. A relational database is. A directed acyclic graph is. But we can stop before it's just any "graph". We can stop at DAG, like neural networks do, or even at tree, like programming language syntax does ("abstract syntax tree", "expression tree"). Code and data are two faces of the same thing.

And if you have a single edge not fulfilling the stricter structure's properties, you are left with a general graph. A single one, hence my point.

> but because it removed freedom in a highly specific way, which enabled larger more reliable systems, contrary to naive expectations.

That I agree with, but I personally believe it is too restrictive in case of memory models. Especially that the price really is not high -- modern GCs have insanely good throughputs with bounded latency, the only price being a slightly larger memory footprint.

> And if you have a single edge not fulfilling the stricter structure's properties, you are left with a general graph.

And this is why it's not good to have a general graph as a baseline model, because one mistake or temptation to stray from a structure with given properties, and you lose all the benefits of a constraint.

"This object will be passed deep into a call tree, but never have mutable methods called on it from more than one place in a process, but it'll be read from multiple places". Good luck enforcing this in a general object graph.

But if you eliminate mutable shared state, say like Rust does (not that I approve the specifics of Rust exactly) then you don't have to worry about it. Rust doesn't implement just a general object graph where everyone can have a reference to everything all the time. It has constraints.

> That I agree with, but I personally believe it is too restrictive in case of memory models. Especially that the price really is not high -- modern GCs have insanely good throughputs with bounded latency, the only price being a slightly larger memory footprint.

However as I noted in the link, the GC is the smallest price you pay.

Also it's not a slightly larger memory footprint, GC languages typically take 2x the RAM.

I do believe that Rust's choice is correct for its particular niche, but it is also a perfect example for how limiting that constraint is (just see any kind of Rust help forum thingy), and not just for beginners, you also get burned by it at the other end of the spectrum (e.g. implementing lock-free algorithms, etc). Sure, there are escape hatches and in most other topics I would agree with you that having it constrained with escape hatches is the correct solution (e.g. type systems with casts), I still feel that the memory model is not the correct place to enforce these. (For the Rustaceans, no, I'm not saying Rust is a bad language, I like it and it is absolutely a gift to low-level programming. Not necessarily a good fit for high level tasks though, for me at least)

You mentioned SQL. The reason it can be so performant is that it doesn't let the user over-specify their constraints, letting the computer optimize its plans, storage layout, etc. I'm sure one can physically write a particular query faster than a DB could execute it, but it is definitely not an easy task. So strangely enough, both strong and weak constraints can give you good performance. To get back at the exact topic at hand, let me reference Rich Hickey's term: "Place-Oriented Programming", referring to this notion that 'objects' are constrained to a given physical location, over being what they should be: semantics. When you write a program and you use a list, you don't actually care about that list being in a particular place, having to be moved when more items are added to it, etc, those are all implementation details. You care about its "list-ness" only. I see GCs with arbitrary graphs as allowing for this mental model. (Note, that an object not having identity, aka being a value type is a semantic question, and that allows for plenty optimizations by a decent runtime, so I'm not telling that we shouldn't care about performance).

> GC languages typically take 2x the RAM.

There is a niche where that is a huge price, but in 99% of cases I believe we can afford that. Also, GCd languages also have their own escape hatches when needed.

EDIT: Nonetheless, I hope I don't sound too argumentative, I genuinely enjoy this discussion and our differing view points - I'm engaging with curiosity, even if the tone tells otherwise, I'm no native speaker.

Rust was trying to solve the correct problem. But it's debatable if it provides the right solution. My camp, so far, is that everything must be a value, i.e. copy semantics, with structural sharing. This solves an enormous set of problems, including controllable (side) effects, while it permits efficient local in-place mutation of state (unlike FP).

That's an interesting idea. Can you clarify some more on what the baseline memory model should be, if not a graph?

I don't want to impose what it should be, as I'm asking myself this question every day.

But I can list a few thoughts. The actual memory model is (seemingly) a flat address space, in which processes allocate segments, and everything else arises from there. There's some remapping behind the scenes, some segments are shared, some not, but this is beside the point.

And a pattern I see often is arena allocation, where you allocate a large segment and then "virtually" allocate smaller segments inside, down to individual scalar variables. This can happen several times with a lot of memory, but tends to be shallow.

For this and many other reasons, I see mutable memory is best structured as a tree, a shallow tree, almost relational, but still permitting nesting, where every item has one owner, one caller, and anything else is routed through that tree. Of course once this semantic model is established, you can reduce and optimize many calls into more direct calls. But you get clear intercept points when you need to decorate, block, remap and so on behaviors in the system. No "action from distance" surprises.

Everything should be pass by copy. For larger structures, we need copy-on-write optimization. Which means underneath the mutable tree there is a Directed Acyclic Graph of immutable segments supporting copy-on-write.

This is also not new, it's how forking works on Unix for example. Every modern OS utilizes copy-on-write on the file system, in memory, it's also utilized, if we think about it, in network caching systems. But to the process it looks like normal flat address space, where everyone owns their own copy of the content.

For collecting unused segments in COW you'd naively need refcounting. There are other approaches that borrow from GC algorithms, in a much simpler and more performant way, because, well, there are no cycles in a DAG. The best part is that once you decide to use copy semantics, you have a plethora of algorithms at your disposal to try and switch between adaptively (including... just copying the thing if it's small enough, which turns out is the fastest approach), while maintaining the same exact semantics for the programmer who doesn't have to care how it works under the hood.

Another benefit of copy semantics is that things are copied between processes, or especially between machines in a network, and now your language locally has the same semantics as when it talks to the network, which removes barriers and unifies interfaces. "Write once, run at any scale" if you will.

Anyway, this is not comprehensive. And just my opinion. But the problem with graphs is that it is the data structure with least discipline, and most complications. And in most cases those complications do not pay off. Not only they require complex GC, but they result in heavily entangled code, tons of shared mutable state, that gave the whole OOP space a bad name (that it doesn't deserve). This was never a problem with objects, because objects were never supposed to share mutable state. It's a problem of graphs and handles, a system that pretends everyone "has" a mutable piece of state... which it doesn't have, as ownership must be exclusive to be reliable.

Discipline of dependency management (packages etc.) often removes cycles and results in a tree or a DAG. This is not coincidental. And there's no reason we can't replicate this at the lower levels to individual objects.

Of course, we still need graphs. But not everywhere, and not all the time.

Personally I think D language got it right when it makes GC as a default but still allows for no GC whenever applicable thus keeping most of the language relatively safe, easier to grok and more Pythonic compared to Rust.

It will be very interesting to survey how many Rust implementations nowadays do away with memory safety [1].

Not sure if the author of the article referred to this seminal paper on Rust for GC for his GC implementation for Rust in Rust [2].

[1] What is a safe programming language?


[2] Rust as a Language for High Performance GC Implementation:


D made the right tradeoffs for whom? There are many safe languages with great ecosystems which have a GC. Realistically, before rust, there wasn't really any for languages without a GC. A major problem for folks who must not use a GC is that large parts of the D ecosystem rely on the GC which makes it not useful for the segments that cannot use said GC. I've not actually used D professionally, so I could be off base, but this is at least the perception.

Rust is facing a similar problem in terms of sync vs async, which seems to limit options primarily for folks who want to avoid async, but it doesn't seem like a major blocker for adoption comparatively.

I think one notable difference for Rust is that it's still perfectly possible to call async code from sync code. It might be slightly less efficient than if everything was participating in async, but often that's fine when it's just the one-off network request in your otherwise synchronous CPU-heavy workload. Meanwhile, for people who need to have no GC, you can't paper over an internal dependency that uses GC. The whole stack has to be no-GC period. A similar comparison in the Rust world is probably with the #![no_std] ecosystem. Kernels/kernel modules and super low power microcontrollers have the biggest restrictions on what libraries they can pull in, since they can't use any dependencies that use the normal standard library, only the core library. (Low power is relative though, eg the ESP32 chips have nearly full std lib support)

I think D failed because it doesn't take a stand one way or the other.

Overwhelming majority of mainstream programmers want important choices to be made for them.

- People want language designers to decide: Has GC or no GC. Choose one and be consistent with it. Then all the libraries will be written on top of it.

- People want language designers to decide: Has async green thread or not. Choose one and be consistent with it. Then all the libraries will be written on top of it.

- People want language designers to decide an auto format syntax style. Choose one and be consistent with it. Then all the libraries will be written on top of it.

etc. etc.

C# doesn’t do the latter two

they’re experimenting with green threads now though… we’ll see where that ends up :)

From BUILD 2023 Q&A session, nowhere, too expensive to retrofit, even though in hindsight would have been a better approach, given how hard still is to write correct async/await code.

Thanks, I didn’t hear that update!

D was doomed from the start. It was designed as an incremental improvement over C++. Initially it provided refuge to burnt out C++ programmers like myself. But once I discovered Rust there was no coming back.

Rust takes its fundamentals from more advanced and well thought out functional languages. As a result it outclasses D and its ilk.

The big reason why this library exists is so that downstream consumers can be entirely memory safe in their allocations - it's the same way that the Rust standard library works. Library writers can use unsafe code to provide safe abstractions and APIs, so you end up with an unsafe core with a safe framework on top of it. I'm just continuing that tradition.

I actually haven't read that paper! Thanks for sharing it. What I'm doing is slightly different - it looks like they're building a conservative GC with an unsafe API, much like one might for C. My intent was closer toward building a GC which can be used with any safe Rust code more or less unconditionally.

You would think that if D "got it right," it would have seen a tenth the excitement / engagement Rust does. The proof is kind of in the pudding?

It's very naive to think that language popularity correlates with engineering merits...

I worked very little with D, and a lot more with Rust. I cannot really speak to the qualities of D because, by and large, I dealt with a very few instances of it, and only at the interface level (mostly writing in another language). But, in terms of fame and popularity -- Rust developers and backers put a ton of effort into promoting the language. There were times when every other week there would be an article in some popular tech. media source from all kinds of "big names" about how Rust is superior to something (usually C++). There were massive efforts made to create a self-sustained community of Rust-evangelists who'd go and spread the word to the heathens...

I haven't been around to witness the birth of D and don't remember if it had any kind of adoption campaign, but from what I can tell, even if it had a campaign, it didn't succeed.

Now, here's another example from the same category of languages: Ada (esp. with Spark). I'm not very knowledgeable about it, but from the little I know, there are a lot of good reasons to prefer Spark over Rust. At least, on engineering merits, they should be roughly equivalent. But, in terms of popularity, Rust beats Spark by a lot.

Popularity is itself an engineering merit.

Yeah, if you have $500M (half a billion of USD) to spend on marketing, like Sun Microsystems poured into Java, you must have some engineering merit behind you. Not necessarily in the thing you market.

Merit? -- maybe. Engineering? -- definitely no. This is why I used this word in the first place.

I mean, I understand this is an attempt at being a snarky remark, but it gets really annoying as a joke that a lot of people repeat to the point they start believing it's true.

Social Engineering

> You would think that if D "got it right," it would have seen a tenth the excitement / engagement Rust does.

Why? Excitement doesn't always follow correctness or even "goodness" (whatever that means in context), even if we'd like it to. Fashion and marketing matter more when it comes to excitement.

I think they're very correlated!

counterpoint, PHP?

Beyond technical merit, D never had a "carrier" application like Rust had with Firefox (AFAIK).

Rust had servo, not Firefox, but it doesn't matter that much; Rust got legitimately popular for the 'safe non-GC language' badge that it shares with precious little peers.

Python is a very niche language in my country

I think it's more accurate to say the Python is a very niche language in your field. Python is everywhere in all aspects of computational and data science, ML and most engineering fields. Even in your country.

That being said I have observed that using Python as a web/backend language seems to be more common in North America than in Europe, but I have no evidence to back that up.

Unless your country barely has any computers, I find it hard to believe.

First world country, middle of Europe, Java everywhere. And C#.

Saw Python last at university and just because I wanted to.

I know nobody that works with Python on a day by day basis and I know many nerds like me :)

That just seems to be the bias of your work. Python is absolutely huge in ML.

I know and it is.

Just wanted to put it into perspective, because people tend to think their bubble is the whole world. (Oh the irony;-))

This looks very cool! Thank you for sharing. I find GC's in rust particularly fascinating.

So if I understand correctly, every time a Gc drops you add it a hashmap and then periodically, you run through all Gc's in that map and trace all their children to see if they are part of a cycle? I still don't understand how this would work without knowing the rootset. Just because something is part of a cycle doesn't tell you if it is inaccessible. There must be something here that I am missing.

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