As an old school server side Java dev, I boggle at the hoops folks jump through to get stuff done when it comes to packaging.
We had two large dependencies: the JDK, and the app server (our container, like Tomcat). Maven, that we’ve had forever, for library dependency. The resulting War files were effectively self contained.
JDKs were trivially installed, explode it somewhere (anywhere) and set JAVA_HOME. App servers were the same. Self contained directory trees. Install as many as you like, just change the port they used. Or just add another War to the one you have already. Pros and cons.
War files were essentially static linked, carrying all of their libraries. Self contained blob you could drag and drop into a directory and watch the server shutdown your old version and fire up the new one.
Sure, we had our bit of DLL Hell, rarely when building the app. I’m certainly not going to suggest we never had class loader issues.
And enterprise Java has a notoriety all its own, but packaging was pretty low on the list. But we didn’t need Docker, or dedicated VMs or anything like that. Our OS dependencies were all handled by the JDK. Java didn’t have any shared library concerns. I honestly never questioned it, either it was statically linked, or just entirely self contained outside of the C library. Everything else was in Java. OpenSSL, for example, was never an issue.
I’m on board though, I loathe packaging. I’m not a big fan of arcane parameters passed on over the council fire and tea. Just never been my drive.
It definitely does have such concerns, but the community has just accepted that the JDK will never help with this and so every JAR that uses a native library hacks around the lack of proper support in its own unique and special way. Usually some project-specific ad-hoc code that extracts native libraries into some directory in the user's home directory.
Is the "cache" versioned properly? Maybe.
Can you control where it is? Maybe.
Code signing? Probably not.
Can you ship only native code for the machines you actually care about? Maybe.
Does it work when you run as a dedicated server UNIX users that doesn't have a home directory? Nope.
Hydraulic Conveyor ( - disclosure, my company) fixes a lot of these problems automatically. But it's not like there are no problems to fix, and of course writing a library that uses native code is still a big pain. It's a major blind spot of the JDK unfortunately, and the community has never risen to the challenge of fixing it.
I'm currently working on Java bindings for my own native library. (I'd like to use the Panama FFM API, but unfortunately, my first user is stuck on JDK 11 for now, so I'm stuck with JNI.) Do you have any recommendations on how I should handle the packaging and library loading problem, so I don't make things worse for Conveyor (though my first user isn't using that)? Any reference implementation that I should look at and copy?
So it's really easy. Just run System.loadLibrary("foo") before doing anything else. On developer setups that line will throw because the JVM won't find the shared library, so then you can go down the road of extracting things to the homedir or whatever else you want to do (or do it manually and check in the results). Deployed installs will find the library in the right platform specific directories inside the app package and pass.
We had two large dependencies: the JDK, and the app server (our container, like Tomcat). Maven, that we’ve had forever, for library dependency. The resulting War files were effectively self contained.
JDKs were trivially installed, explode it somewhere (anywhere) and set JAVA_HOME. App servers were the same. Self contained directory trees. Install as many as you like, just change the port they used. Or just add another War to the one you have already. Pros and cons.
War files were essentially static linked, carrying all of their libraries. Self contained blob you could drag and drop into a directory and watch the server shutdown your old version and fire up the new one.
Sure, we had our bit of DLL Hell, rarely when building the app. I’m certainly not going to suggest we never had class loader issues.
And enterprise Java has a notoriety all its own, but packaging was pretty low on the list. But we didn’t need Docker, or dedicated VMs or anything like that. Our OS dependencies were all handled by the JDK. Java didn’t have any shared library concerns. I honestly never questioned it, either it was statically linked, or just entirely self contained outside of the C library. Everything else was in Java. OpenSSL, for example, was never an issue.
I’m on board though, I loathe packaging. I’m not a big fan of arcane parameters passed on over the council fire and tea. Just never been my drive.