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SpaceX conducts a mostly successful test of its Super Heavy booster (arstechnica.com)
3 points by allenrb on Aug 7, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Four engines shutting down isn’t great, but not the end of the world either. I’d give a tasty beverage to know the details behind each one, though.

It would be even more useful to know if the entire test was cut short by the four engine shutdowns, or if some other, “global” reason (tank pressures, temperatures, who knows?) caused the test to abort.

Happily, being SpaceX, we will probably find out on TwitterX tomorrow.

Four engines shut down or never started, so a launch would have been scrubbed. The static fire lasted about 2.5s. Enough to show a massive blast of steam. But nowhere near full power. Not enough to really say if the rocket bidet is going to work.

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