Overall it seems completely reasonable, I'm loving the non-editable yet still reassignable const const vars, the "funct" prefix is stunning, the useless but mandatory react prefixes, all brilliant, and none of this is confusing at all in any way, except for one aspect. The semicolon thing is deeply and utterly disturbing:
> You might be wondering what C uses for the 'not' operator, which is an exclamation mark in most other languages. That's simple - the 'not' operator is a semi-colon instead.
if (;false) {
print("Hello world")!
The alternative name could (or should) be Brainfuck++-. Emphasis on "-".
You know what's funny, though? There's zero, I repeat, ZERO, source code in the repository. Thank god. Otherwise you know a bunch of folks would inevitably dip their feet into Brainfuck++-, and said troll feet would immediately disintegrate into ash, for obvious reasons.
There was a post many years back in a similar vein entitled something like "Abject Oriented Programming". Instead of a language, it was just a set of rules/recommendations to ensure your code was "Abject Oriented". Of course, all of the suggestions were essentially anti-patterns.
The best part was the comments. Most folks were hip, but every fifth comment or so was something like "I agree with #1, #3 and #4, but #2 is wrong..."
> C has significant whitespace. Use spacing to specify the order of arithmetic operations.
3 = 3.14! //true
... i think we got a systems language here. It really needs facilities for self modifying code and multiprocessing/ clustering, tho; to be considered a "modern" language. Perhaps make all heap allocations out of some DHT pool?
Annoyingly, SmallTalk actually does this, so they got there first. The reason is that operators are just methods (and numbers are objects) and so arithmetic dispatches left to right unless parens are used, ala (1.+(2)).*(3)
I am disappointed in the incomplete specification here. Dividing by zero returning undefined makes sense but what about dividing zero? It should also be undefined.
Oh. It is hard to get which comment is satire and what's not over text, given there are people who'd actually share the opinions one could think would be satire.
I LOL'd at the bit about only being able to create a single instance of each class (but that how most programmers use classes anyway, so not really an issue).