In 1978, he co-wrote "The C Programming Language." 34 years later, he's published "D Is For Digital." At this rate, he'll be done with the whole alphabet by the year 2760.
After a cursory glance, it seems a lot like Code by Petzold[1], or at least a similar concept in less detail. I loved that book, and I know most others did as well. I'd love to take a look at it.
There are probably more than a few HN'ers who are interested in Dennis Richie's take on these things because of their interest in what he thinks. It is analogous to the reasons HN'ers are interested in PG's thoughts about High School.
In the wake of the ignorance highlighted by SOPA et al this book seems prescient. It sounds like a useful tome to pass on to older, yet intelligent, relatives so they can better understand how and what information they enter or leave on the Internet is collected.
Some other neat things by and about Mr. Kernighan linked to on this page. Even though this book focuses on rudimentary concepts, I feel like I have to have it on my shelf.