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A bit of an aside, but one of the biggest perks of having Comcast as my ISP (I don't love this, but it's the only wired choice I have at my house) is that for roughly 60 percent of my public computing, I connect to an "xfinitywifi" router and get good-enough service.

Dunno what kind of tracking and security risks I'm exposing myself to though...

Xfinity now allows non-Xfinity customers to pay $20/mo for this amazing perk. On one hand, xfinitywifi is fucking everywhere, which makes this immensely useful. On the other hand, it runs off of spare bandwidth from customer gateways...

> On the other hand, it runs off of spare bandwidth from customer gateways...

Usually, but not always. They have outdoor enterprise Hotspot 2.0 AP's all over the place in towns they usually advertise ssid as allcaps XFINITY instead of xfinitywifi.

Everything important goes over https so at worst you’re leaking some DNS, which probably isn’t a major issue.

If you VPN over the top, you leak even less.

> If you VPN over the top, you leak even less.

You leak just as well, but now you're leaking to the sketchy VPN provider.

Hard to be more sketchy than a company that successfully lobbied your government to allow them to steal user data from their captive customers.

So run one at home or on an EC2 instance somewhere.

If you just want to prevent providers eyeballing you, this can work well.

If you really want complete anonyminitiy you have to layer stuff, and consider something like Mullvad or another VPN that lets you pay in untraceable funds.

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